Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Two letters and a postscript

Post Card postmarked DENVER, COLO Mar 19 3 PM 1942 TERMINAL R.P.O.
From: 643 Cedar St. San Antonio, Texas
To: Mrs. Jane S. Davidson
3112 So. 7th East
Salt Lake City, Utah

                                                                        Thurs. Noon
Dear Mom,

            We’re in Denver & I’ve spent the morn. with Aunt Nell. Alvin didn’t sleep well on the train but he has slept all morning.  I’m going to get a sleeper tonight if there is one available.  The train was surely a grand one.  We are being delayed here in Denver 2 ½ hrs.  It snowed all night & it is still snowing here & the wind is something fierce.  We left in such a hurry from home it was terrible.  I’ll surely never forget my first train ride.  The sleeper tonight will be about $3.05.  Before we got to Denver my shopping bag split & I bought a suit case for $1.25 it is much handier.  Alan is such a big help.  Alvin wants to get into everything tho.  Write to me soon.
                                                                            Love, Laura.

From Roland in Burns March 19th 1942
Dear Sister Laura,

            Hope you are still in Salt Lake.  Write and tell us all about Harold and what service he is in and so on and on.  We seldom hear from you, whereas you never hear from us, so what we can expect no one can tell.  I regret that you are going so far away, and that I am where I cannot get away to see you.  But it looks as though the Davidson’s are beginning to scatter, and they have a very heavy obligation towards all mankind with the wonderful teachings they have received from   such wonderful parents.  It is up to them to live the life as outlined in principle and fact by their mother, to be thrifty, and unafraid of life.  To raise children to be good citizens first in the kingdom of God , and second in the good old U.S.A.

            Well Texas is a little larger than Oregon, but not quite as beautiful and full of opportunity, I don’t think.  But I am sure if you will get in and serve the Lord He will bless you and yours wherever you go and in whatever you do.
            Sorry sis to have to shortchange you like this on this letter, but I am now late for the mail, and I think you would rather receive this now than to wait and perhaps wait some more.  Write anyhow, and let us know the score.

             With love from all of us in Oregon, 
             Your brother and family,  Roland

P.S. from Mother:
            Harold’s Mother got the plants.  She slipped on the steps and fell going home.  She wasn’t hurt as she landed on her knees.  She broke the little lamp, so you will need to give Jean something else.  I have tried to get Carlsons today but they are not home.  They were all o.k. Sat.  Love, Mother

[Roland Davidson must have sent the letter to Salt Lake and Jane Davidson added the PS before sending it on to San Antonio.]

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