Monday, March 31, 2014

Laura got a quick response to her letter

Mar 31st 54

My Dear Laura,

             Just got your letter after coming from Relief Society.  I am glad you are coming and hope & pray that you will have a safe and pleasant trip.  Ruth said she would have a bed for Sister Norris, and the others can go where they want to.  So Sister Norris will be near to go with you when you go.  We don’t know whether Roland or Jennette will be coming.  They will come if they can get a way.  We had another snow storm yesterday but it is all gone today and the sun is shining bright only it is cold.  Don’t be working too hard.  I am glad the little ones are coming with you & Jane.  Do they have spring vacation.  Love to you all and we will see you soon

                        Lovingly  Mother.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

12 years later, Denver again and it's Conference time

March 30, 1954

Dear Mother,

            We were so glad to hear from you, but I have been up to my neck in sewing for Easter, and then some.  I’ll tell you all about it this coming week.  Yes, we are coming for conference.  We are leaving here Sat. morning around 5, and will arrive we hope before 6 P.M.  Harold wants to make the Priesthood meeting at 7 and we have a Swedish reunion at 9:30.  We are bringing the baby

and Alice, and Jane to help take care of them.  Jimmy Bohn is also coming he has relatives to stay with.  George Phillips too has sleeping arrangements, and Mary Norris is coming, but she has no place to stay, and no money.  Harold and I are insisting that she come so she can get away from those kids of hers for a short time.  We know your house is usually full, but if Mother Carlson’s apartment is empty, that is if Sister Christenson isn’t there she could stay there.  Or perhaps Ruth Owen has a room she could have.  Will you have Mary call them.  I am also writing Ruth and Mother Carlson, and also Bishop Edwards.  Perhaps he has room, and I’m sure he would love to have her.

            I’ll stop for now.  Barbara Green just called and asked me to be Special Interest leader in the Stake.  Maybe I ought to try it.  It will require 4 nights a month.  May God bless you Mother, and we will see you soon.



Saturday, March 29, 2014

Back to 1942 in San Antonio - Getting adjusted

                                                                                                                                                                   March 29. 1942
Dear Mother,

            It was so good to hear from you.  We haven’t heard from anyone else as yet, but the mail takes so long it seems.  I believe it takes longer now than it used to.  I can’t remember now what I did tell you in the letters I’ve written, but on the train the second night we couldn’t get a sleeper, but the train was grand.  We each had a seat to ourselves, and I made a nice bed for Alvin.  He slept well the last day on the train too.  Alan Lundgren was such a big help with him, I don’t know what I’d have done without him.  The toilet seat & pot were too cumbersome to even use on the train, and the trains were so jerky he wouldn't use the toilet even to wet. However the trains were so hot he sweat most of his water I guess, & then when we made a stop I would take him.  We managed much better than I thought we would, only next time I travel I’m going to take just as little in my hands as possible.

            I was sorry to hear about Mary’s Grandfather.  I met him the day Mary left for California.  I don’t believe Harold has met him.  It surely seems that one must prepare themselves for emergencies of all kinds.

            By now I guess you are getting used to the quiet.  Alvin surely misses Muggs.  I guess that is one reason he wants to go outside all the time, and he chases every dog he sees.  I’m afraid I’ll have to get a harness for him when we go for a walk, because he can go faster than I can some times.  We are still thankful to have his heavy coat & hat, because the wind gets cold about 4:30 or 5: in the evenings.  It is Sunday morning, and he is sleeping.  Harold and Reed both have to work today.  It is Harold’s first Sunday to work and it doesn’t seem like Sun.  I didn’t go to Sun. School because I don’t know the way there alone yet.  We went last Sun, and it takes 45 minutes to get there.  We have to go into town then transfer to the west a couple of miles.  Sun. School is from 10:00 to 11:30, & priesthood meeting until 12:00 so it is 1:00 before we get home.  We are all going to church tonight tho.  The boys will get home at 6:00 & meeting starts at 7:30.  They’ll just have time to eat & run.

            I’m really enjoying our new home Mom.  It is easy to keep clean, because there doesn’t seem to be the dirt here that there is home.  Alvin stays so clean its wonderful.  The gas range is so convenient and hot water all the time.  The water is quite soft too.  I don’t use half the soap in my wash as I did, and I haven’t had to use lotion on my face since I came, altho I do use it on my hands about once a day.  At that rate this I have will last a long time.

            I enjoy cooking for Harold & Reed too. Perhaps because I have a little more to cook with, yet I still have to use all the food saving methods you taught us.  Our fruit came day before yesterday, and we have to keep it in the garage, but it is nice & clean there, and close to the back door.

            I have felt very good since we got here with the exception of being so drowzy all the time, but I hope I’m pretty well over that by now.  The weather is so changeable tho that I have to watch Alvin closely.  For 2 days & a night it was so hot we could hardly stand it, & Alvin’s head was constantly wet from sweating, then the next night the wind started to blow, & by morning we had to turn on the gas heaters & wear sweaters.  It can change from hot to cold within an hour it seems.

            I was glad to hear from Roland, and I’ll try to write to him today.  If I could spend each morning while Alvin is asleep writing letters I think I could keep up with everyone.

            Harold & Reed have spent the week looking for refrigerators or ice boxes, and they are not to be had in this town.  One like ours can’t be had for less than $100.00 & one smaller than Helen’s for $60.00, and that is second hand.  We could get an ice box like yours second hand for $30.00 but ice would come to $6.00 or $7.00 per month, whereas if we had an electric one it wouldn’t cost us anything to operate.  We have been watching the want ads too, but as yet nothing has come up.  Harold called the freight ofc. & asked how much it would cost to ship ours here, & they said about $12.00 although it would have to be boxed.  The freight ofc. Also said that most people just go to a refrigerator co. & usually can get a box to fit.  I don’t like to take the refrigerator away from you, but I don’t hardly know what to do.  If the ants & the heat weren’t so bad we might manage, but I can’t even keep food overnight, and my butter & sugar & everything else have to be kept in air tight cans.  Alvin is awake & I’ll have to give him his dinner.

            Our milk for Sunday & Monday comes Sat. about noon, and it is almost impossible to keep it fresh till Monday morning.  Anyway Mom, that is the refrigerator problem.  If you think you could manage without it, it seems much better for us all the way around to send for it.  At any rate we wont be able to send any money for it until after April 12th.  I thought I’d write to Wid today & see if he couldn’t take care of it for us.  He would have to have the R.R. freight come after it tho even if it cost a little more.  They have delivered all my things here right to the door.

            Alvin is wanting to go outside again.  He is just after me all day long to take him out.  It is cooler today, & we haven’t been out at all yet.

            Did Bro. Clayson finally come for those Sunday School reports?  I called him again the day I left, & he had forgotten about them.

            I suppose you have found a lot of things I left, but I haven’t missed anything as yet that I need.

            I’ll bet it was good to have Pearl working 8 to 5 for a week anyway, and perhaps now you can adjust yourselves to living peacefully again.  I’m only sorry that I left things in such an awful mess for you.

            I’ll close for now Mama and tell the others to write to us occasionally.

            God bless you Mother.  I believe Harold loves you nearly as much as I do, altho I don’t think he could as much.  He wants so much to be able to send for you this summer, We’ve been counting on it so.  But only time will tell.  We pray for you always,

                                     Your loving children
                                              Laura Harold & Alvin

Friday, March 28, 2014


 [on tan stationery with a red drawing of “Pacifica”]

                                                              Mar 28th 52
My Dear Laura,

How are you I received a letter one from Jane and one from Betty.  Betty said she had the measles I hope they don’t all get it.  Are you coming for Conference.  Jane said you had some Hand Lotion you were going to bring to me;.  I would like some if you have any to spare.

I hope you are well.  We will be expecting Harold anyway.  I haven’t seen Mother Carlson for some time I think she has been busy over at Gordon’s, as Ruby is still in bed, and Mother Carlson hasn’t been feeling up to Par herself.  It might have been the bad weather that we were having for so long.  There was a lot of sickness around.  The sun has been shining the last two days so it makes us all feel better. People will be thinking of Gardening and House cleaning now.  We are all pretty well here.  The last snow is nearly all gone.  There is still some on the north side of the house but the roads are all drying up.  

Conference is only one week away.  We have fast Sunday on the 30th Mar.  That is Roland’s birthday and I have not written to Him.  I had a letter from Kathryn but she didn't have much news of the family.  They have had bad weather up there too.  They are all well she said.  I guess Roland is busy with church work and insurance and Red Cross, so it keeps him busy.  I haven’t heard from Lois for a long time.  She usually gives me all the news.  Kathryn didn't say if any one from up there was coming for Conference.  

I hope all your neighbors and friends are well.  Remember me to all of the Relief Society Ladies.  Tell Sister Rumsey and Richardson that I appreciate their letters and will write to them some time.  I think of them all often and Pray for them.  How is Opal and family.  Don’t forget my Pills I had to get new glasses and they cost me a lot and I have to wear them all the time.  I took money out of the bank to pay for them, and paid $17. for a coat for Spring. It isn’t very good but it will do, it is a nice gray color. I am hurrying this for the mail man.  Take care of yourself and hug all the children for me.  Hope Alice doesn’t get the measles.  

Bye Bye May the Lord Bless you always.  Lovingly Mother.  

Tell Betty & Jane I will write to them some time.  Love to Harold and will be glad to see him.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jane Davidson was 63 years old at this time, quilting and teaching lessons.

                                    Mar 27th 1942   Monday is Roland’s birthday
Dear Laura,

            I was so glad to get your letter today.  Glad you are getting rested and I do hope that you will keep well and that Alvin will get over his cold.  You have to be careful as you don’t know the climate there, and it is better to be on the safe side and keep him warm.  Does he eat well, and how are you.  Have you plenty food.  How is Harold.  Does he like it there.  Does he like his work.

            I was away quilting today for the Relief Society.  I think the quilt was for Sister Jackstien.  We quilted at Sister Ellers.  Did you know that Sister Oldham boy was married.  I think he got married Monday.  I don’t know who the girl is or anything but will tell you when I know.  I also heard that the Stout boy was married. We are having a party in the Relief Society the 2nd Tuesday in April.

            They have a dance tonight for the two wards for the Budget.  I hope it is a success.  Pearl went.  She has been working 8 to 5 all week.  We are having Stake Conference Sunday, at Hill Crest ward.  I had a letter from Jesse yesterday.  He met some cadets that are Mormons in Sikeston. One boy sent to the Mission headquarter to know where the nearest missionaries were and they sent the letter on to Jesse, and he phoned the barracks and asked for the Lindsey boy and got him.  He is from Ariz and there were 3 others.  Jesse says 3 of them seem to be nice boys and they did not know one another was there until Jesse Phoned.  He will tell you all about it when he writes to you.  I hope you will write to him.  I have not heard from Daniel since Mary went back.  I think Mont went to work yesterday.  Willard & Edna are well, also the children.  The weather is still cold.  I was down to the last piece of coal, so I called Mr. Margetts today to send me some.  I don’t know when it will be paid, but he had it down here within an hour.  The house was cold when I came home from quilting so I ordered it.  The sun was shining but the wind is cold.  Yvonne Caproni is getting married to a Thomas in Holladay.

            Sister Shurtleff is still in California.  I haven’t seen any of Harold’s folks.  I guess they are all well. It is too late or I would call now.  I will call tomorrow.  Willard & Edna & the children are all well.  Helen came down yesterday and we went to see Edna and sister DeYoung.  Sister DeYoung has lumbago and could hardly walk.  She has had it for several days.  Pray for me that I may give my lesson all right next Wed.  Now my Dear ones bye bye and be careful and do the best that you can.  Take care of one another and love & cherish one another and all will be well with you. Love and kisses to you all.  Kiss Alvin for Grandma. I always think of him when I go down to the furnace.  I miss you all.   

                                      Lovingly Mother

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Letter from Harold's mother, Hannah Jane Carlson with a P.S. from his father, Alvin Emanuel Carlson

770 Springview Drive
Salt Lake City Utah
                                                                                                    March 26, 1942
Dear Harold and Laura,

            Well I guess you are pretty well settled by now I hope that Laura is rested up after her long trip I was so sorry to hear of that long wait at the depot in Denver, it was a shame you didn't phone before you left Aunt Nell’s you might as well have spent a couple more hours there.  I received a letter from Nell, she sure enjoyed your short stay.

            As time goes on we miss you more and more but always try and think of it as being a grand adventure for you.  I hope little Alvin is enjoying the nice sun shine.  We are having our occasional spring days but it is still freezing at nights.  We will sure be glad when the weather is settled.  Uncle Hy, Aunt Mae and Effe, Dad and I are going up to Idaho Saturday morning and stay untill Monday.  Uncle Hy is doing the driving but we have to take our car.  I think Dad is feeling better than when Laura left.  I feel quite sure he will be much better when summer comes.  Neffs, across the way have sold out and moved away.  I heard he has work in Colorado Spring, he left about the same time as you and she has just left.  She was left to do as Laura had to.  I don’t know wheather his work is for the goverment or not.  Yes, the time is rolling on pretty fast and it wont be long before June is here.  I can hardly bare to think of Jean getting married the closer the time draws near the more I hate it but we will have to have faith in this matter to and pray that things will turn out for the best.  We heard today that Dewane Oldham got married.  He married a girl from Oregon.  She met her at Mutual last night, I wonder how Oldhams feels about that. [Mother]

            [hand writing change]
P.S. Dear Harold Laura and Alvin.  I just have to drop you all a line or two on this paper before Mother mails it.  I do hope you all well and happy because that is what it takes to make it.  I bet Laura was all in when she got there and I bet she has had all the train ride she wants for the rest of her life.
            I know I would if it were me.  I rode 800 miles once and I thought we would never get there.  I never was much of a writer myself, but I pray our Heavenly Father to bless you all and keep you all well and happy which I know he will. Keep on smiling and God bless you

                                                        Your old Dad and Loving Mother. [Dad Carlson]

(Give little Alvin a big kiss from his Grandpa)
Kiss Little Alvin a dozen times for Grandma and Grandpa

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A letter from Aunt Maggie

27 Cooper Street
March 25, 1946
My dear Laura,

Just a few lines to let you know I received your very kind & welcome letter. It was real nice of you to write me. It’s a long time since I had any word from your Mother.  I expect she has plenty of writing to do with the family all scattered. I hope she is well & always on the go.  You know Jeannie was the youngest, and I am oldest.  I often wish she was nearer, but a letter is always welcome.  I had a nice letter from Roland, and a photo from him & Lois & the family. They really are a very nice bunch.  I often wondered how many grandchildren your Mother had till you told me quite a good collection I am sure.

Well we just have Gladys.  She is a very nice girl & is 19 years during the last of the war years she was down in Fraserburg in a bank but now she is home with us again working as a typist in Elgin. Goes in the 9 bus in the morning & home about 6.  Lizzie gave up the Post Office work when her husband came home from Italy last August, then she went & helped them out at the Christmas rush.  She is always busy cleaning & she does a whole lot of knitting.  Her husband is in a war department job down at Leith & sometimes Isle of Man.  You will see it on the map

We have had a wonderful winter & now the nice spring days are coming.  The garden will be next. 

I had a parcel from Thelma Main from San Francisco.  You know Auntie Jesse’ grandchild.  I doubt you have no chance of seeing her.  I must write her some of these days but it’s a job for me to get started. 

We had 2 of the Vancouver boys seeing us when they were over at the war. 2 of them were in the Air Force & Auntie Jessie’s Jim was in the Navy.  They were very pleased to get here & I am very glad they were all spared to get home safe and well.

Mary Anns 2 boys were here.  Your Mother will know who I mean.  Now dear Laura, I think this is all my news at present;.  Give our very best wishes to your husband & family.  Hope you are all very well & remember us to all the rest of the family when you write them & tell your Mother I am longing for word from her.  Your Grandma Davidson is away at Pitlochry staying with her daughter. Always on the go tho she must be near the 100.  Cheerio dear & mind I shall always be pleased to hear from you ever

Your loving Auntie Maggie.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Life in San Antonio

March 24, 1942

Dear Mother,

I intended to write to you Sun. evening, but during the afternoon we walked down by the river. It was so beautiful, & so warm. The river lies about 20 or more feet below the surface of the streets, & it winds all thru the city. There are walks & lawn, & benches on both sides of the river, & you can follow it for miles. When we got home I was so tired that Harold went to church with Reed & Alan and I went to bed with Alvin. For the first 3 days I was terribly sleepy all the time, partly from the trip I suppose, & partly from the weather. It is regular spring weather here. The mornings are cool, but by 5:o'clock in the afternoon it is hot. I haven’t dressed Alvin any different than I did at home except for Sun. afternoon. The sun is hot, but in the morn & eve the wind is quite cold & Sat eve. Alan & Reed helped Harold unpack everything and Alvin was running out & in with them & caught a nasty cold. It really didn’t develop until yesterday, and I did practically nothing all day but tend him. He is feeling much better this morning, and has already been asleep nearly 2 hrs. I think the trip tired him considerably.

All our freight arrived Sat. and in good condition with the exception of the table that has a couple of dents in the top, & the back of one of the chairs that had the paint rubbed off. I was surprised how well everything else got here.

We are living in a nice location Mom. It is just a good walk to town, yet there is plenty of yard. There is a grocery & hardware store within 1/4 a block & a bakery where I can get day old goods within 2 blocks. Harold put Alvin’s wagon together this morning. It will be easy to pull him to the bakery & back.

As for the house, we haven’t too much room, & I still haven’t found a place to put my washer, but it is big enough for me to manage & keep clean. The ceilings are quite high, & the windows longer than any I have ever seen. My front room curtains will do very well for my front room, & also the bedroom. The old bedroom curtains will do in the bathroom, & the kitchen will have to have new curtains. We have all the hot water we can use, and the gas range is really very good. It was all reconditioned & repainted & looks like new.

Alan is having a time trying to find a room. The best he has been able to do so far is $40.00 for room & board. Everything is high here, and I find no difference in the kind of food sold here than at home. Eggs are 29¢ & 31¢ but butter starts at 45¢ & goes up. Lettuce is 8¢ & 10¢ per head & bananas 10¢ lb. Asparagus is just coming on, & I haven’t seen any good spinach. Bread is 15¢ & milk 14¢ to 17¢ per qt. We are taking 2 qts a day now but will have to have more if Reed stays with us. Meat seems to be much cheaper here. Bacon is 27 a lb as compared with 43¢ at home. But one thing we’ve got to get before anything else is either an ice box or a refrigerator. You can’t keep food overnight without finding a very small ant in it. I mean hundreds of them they are just about the size of this ink mark (-). They get into everything. I washed the cupboard out last night & put the food in casserole dishes with lids on them, & still this morning those tiny ants were in the food. They seem to come on vegetables from the store, & must multiply by the tens of thousands.

So far we are getting along fine. We have no expenses other than our rent, altho Harold says he heard starting next month they well get paid the 10th instead of the 1st & the 25th instead of the 15th. Alvin is finally awake as you can probably tell from my writing. He is feeling good after his sleep & his cold seems to be nearly gone.

It is 8:30, & the dishes are done, & Alvin back in bed again, and I’m so sleepy I can hardly stay awake. Alan has been here tonight, & another Elder Jorgenson also a former Swedish missionary who is taking the school for the job. This weather is still getting me I guess. I could sleep all the time. How is everything at home? Tell Wid that San Antonio streets surely do follow the old cow trails. You go a block, & can’t find your way back to your own street. I’ll bet you are having a time getting the mess cleaned up that we left. I hope the weather is better up there by this time, but please don’t try to get things done too fast. Harold is talking, & I don’t know what I’m writing, and its time for bed. God bless you Mother, and take care of you. We hope we will soon be able to help.

With love, Laura

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A year letter - A Letter from Harold's mother, Hannah Jane Carlson to Harold and Laura

From 795 Jeppson Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah
                                                      Mar 23, 1943

Dearest Harold and Laura,
            Your welcome letter came this morning.  Your other letter hasn't been answered yet so I was really ashamed.
            I knew it was a year about now since Laura and Alvin left but wasn't sure of the date.  It will aways be a day to be remembered not only your going away but the way Dad felt was heart rendering.  It was the most pitiful thing I ever seen.  The way he hung on to Alvin and the look on his face.  It’s to terrible to think about.
            I don’t blame Laura for wanting to come home on a visit.  A year away from home is a long time.  And Life is to short to make to many sacrifices.  I am so glad she phoned her mother.  I know only a few sobs in one another’s ear would be very comforting to both of them.
            I was talking to the Insurance man today about the time your letter came. He was on the outside and didn't come in for it isn't his time to call untill the 13th.  You know I carry a .05 policy on you, Genevieve and Gordon and a .10 one on Jean and as I need a spring coat badly I was thinking a cashing them in, besides 2.00 to 2.50 per month is to much insurance for me to put out.  Of course I carry a .05 one and a .20 one for myself.  The Insurance man suggests that you children pay me the cash value or part of it and keep up the premiums yourself for it’s a very cheap policy.  Its about $150 in case of natural death but carries double indemnity and liabilities.  I was thinking maby you could carry that easier than pay back you[r] loan Of course I don’t know how much you borrowed, and I don’t know how much I could get out of your policies till he comes again.
            What do you think about it as far as you know?  I will tell you more about it after he comes again.  He also suggests that I pay that .30 on another policy for myself as the two I have would amount to less than 300 which is far to little to lay any one away, the extra.30 on me would bring it up to between 4 and 5 hundred which is not any to much .
            Funny talk, but facts, just the same.
            I sure wish you were here to advice me once in a while.
            Uncle Vance was in tonight.
            Lois is married again but it looks like she has wished her two kids on to her parents.
            I do hope that when Genevieve gets married it will be to some one who can provide a home for her and her children.
            In the morning is the time that I expected to be on my way to Idaho to celebrate Uncle Ray’s birthday but I got sadly disappointed for Uncle Hy phoned me today from up town and gave a half a dozen excuses why he couldn't go but they all sounded pretty flimpsy to me.  It was always Dad that would see to it that we went.
            I guess you have already heard about the new Bishoprick in Wandemere.  Bro Marsh, Bro Jackman, Bro Fiamore. Mae Fiamore, Ruth’s friends brother, I amagine they will be very good.
            Jean is feeling pretty well just now but for her teeth, they are giving her considerable trouble.  The doctor said her heart and kidneys were much better.  She still heaves a lot.  She expects the latter part of July.
            I am enclosing the Title to the Plymouth, will you please sign it and return it as I want to get the Title changed in my name.
            Uncle Sant was here on a visit week before last.  They are sure anxious for me to come to Denver on a visit this summer and I sure hope I am able to go.
            How is the butter rationing etc. hitting you.
            I have only used 24 pts as yet in my no J  book and I haven’t felt things very bad yet, but I am afraid with my butter and meat rationing we are going to be hit pretty hard.
            Well I guess I better close.  I am sure nervous tonight.  Little Phyliss is crying so hard, she has been very sick again the last few days but has slept most of the time but she must be getting better for she sure is crying tonight.  I hope next time my letter won’t be quite so choppy
                                                Love Mother [Carlson]
            Laura’s last letter came this morning.  I sure feel ashamed to think I am so slow in writing.
            I think I will write at nights when every thing is quiet but when night comes I am so tired I just have to go to bed.
            Hope I do better from now on.
                                                Love Mother [Carlson]

When letters responded to letters

                                        3112 So 7th East Salt Lake City, Utah  March 23rd 42
My Dear Laura,

            I got your letter this morning glad that you got to your destination safely, and that Harold was meeting you. Sorry you were so late.  You didn't say if you had any trouble with Alvin about the toilet, or if you got a sleeper the second nite.  We have had two nice clear cold days, wonder if it will snow tomorrow.  Mary’s Grandfather died and she came for the funeral and went right back Sunday morning.  She didn't take the baby this time.  She left her with Sister West, ;and Daniel was to take care of her at nights as he was going to stay at West’s. She would just have been gone 3 nights.  Her Grandfather was only sick a few days.  Maybe Harold knows him, his name was Oleikan.  He was 68 Years old. This letter from Roland was type written on a letter to Jennette, yours on one side of the sheet, and hers on the other. Yours was the shortest so I copied it, sorry I don’t have ink, but I wanted to get this letter off today, as I know you are looking for a letter. Roland and his family are all well but tired of the long cold winter.  He says that Lois is fine.  I will have to write to Jennette today.  They got home o.k. no snow up  there yet.  The rest of us are all well, trying to adjust ourselves to the quiet. Mugs [our dog] felt it as much as we did.  He wouldn't keep still for several days.  He wouldn't stay in or out. 

            Helen & Mont came down yesterday.  I haven’t heard from Jesse yet.  He sent some Liahona’s.  I guess I will get a letter soon.  Pearl is working 8 to 5 this week.  She had yesterday off.  Mrs. Webber is home.  Margaret is o.k. but didn't come.  She wants to stay where she is.  Now my dear keep up your courage, do the best that you can, have the landlord paint the kitchen some other color.  Ask him anyhow.  You won’t  get anything unless you ask.  Make your home look nice.  Tell Harold thanks for his nice letter.  I will write to him when I get Ink. 3 kisses for Alvin.  

Lovingly, Mother  Write soon.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Back in San Antonio

                                                                                                                                Mar 21, 1942

Dear Mother,

            I don’t seem able to find much paper.  We didn't get here until 10:30 P.M. last night, & we should have been here at 4:30 P.M.  We only had 45 mins to wait in Dallas, but the train we got stopped at every town & city.  Harold was there to meet us when we arrived & we went right home to bed.  The place he has is quite nice.  There are 3 good size rooms, enough for me to keep up, altho the walls in the kitchen and bedroom are painted wood, and the windows all thru are so tall.  The front room is wallpaper & very nice.  There is only 1 closet but it is large.  The kitchen range is excellent.  There are 4 gas plates, an oven, a broiler & a section to hold pans.  The table too is good.  It looks like new, & if it isn't you couldn't prove it to me.  We will keep it, & use ours for a table in the front room.  I don’t know whether our freight has come yet, we’re going to see this afternoon.

            This morn I put Alvin back to sleep at 10:00 & lay down too, & didn't wake until 12:30.  Alvin is still asleep & it is nearly 1:00.  We were both very tired when we got here.  Alan took a hotel last night.  He doesn't know just yet what he will do.

            The wind blows here in Texas.  Last night I thought it would blow the house down.  But it is warm.  Alvin was outside looking at our neighbors chickens this morning.  The sun feels so good.  We have a small back yard, & some lawn in front.  It is like a city front yard in Salt Lake.  The neighbor has sweet peas in bloom, across from my kitchen window.  And in front of our house there is a green hedge, & cut trees (trimmed) of several kinds.  It is going to be very nice here.  I’m going to like it I’m sure.  Harold is off today & tomorrow.  We’re going into town today & get a waste basket or garbage can, & shelf paper & some hooks.  The people who lived here must have pulled out every nail & hook in the place.  The kitchen is green paint all over & I never could go sold green walls, but I’ll brighten it up with my white curtains or something.  The linolium is a very pretty green & tan, & the bedroom linolium is a tan flower.

            The baby was asleep when we arrived, & when he woke up this morning called Daddy.  He seemed a little strange toward Harold for ½ an hr. but after that he knew who his Daddy was alright.  We’ll write often, and want to hear from you often too.  

With love from all of us, and may God bless you.

P.S. Call Carlsons & tell them we’re ok. Laura Harold & Alvin

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fast forward seven years - I think I need to use the scanner

[Letter postmarked from Estes Park Mar. 21, 1949, return address says Box 1041 crossed out and changed to 1323 West Virginia, Denver, Colorado.  Addressed to Mrs. Jane S. Davidson, c/o
Daniel H. Davidson, 2939 Sepulveda, San Bernardino, Calif.]

                                                                                                      March 20, 1949
 Dear Mother,

Another week gone by and no word of Mary and her baby.  We do hope nothing is wrong, and that you have all been too busy to write since it was born, because surely it has been born by now.
Today, the first day of spring is a cloudy mirky day.  Yet we have had some nice days in spite of the wind.  It will be good to live in the valley again & see the trees & flowers bud, and watch the grass turn green.  The place we are buying has a lot of tulips.  They were up about an inch a week ago.
Well last Thursday we went to Denver and made the final arrangements for buying the house.  After this coming Friday our address will be
1323 West Virginia
Denver, Colorado
We found out something else that made us very happy.  The new Barnum ward is under construction just 6 blocks or less from our house.  The children will be able to walk to Primary etc.

Our house          Virginia                                                                    Church
o                                                                                                  o
The stake storehouse was completed last June, and Barnum ward
is meeting there until the church is completed, which should be this       stake
summer.                                                                                             storehouse
School             o Alameda Ave.                   o        

Alameda is the highway & they don’t have to go near it. 
Harold has spent most of this time in Denver lately.  Yesterday he had to go down to arrange for an electric line for the range, but he will come home Wed. about noon, and be here until we move.  The Jacksons were up from Longmont yesterday, and they are still looking for a place in Denver.  They like ...............................the drive back and forth [half sheet missing]
to spell it for her, & I don’t know what I’m spelling.  She has had a bad throat, and has been coughing for a week.  It is too bad we have to change schools so near the end of the year.
Tell Daniel to drop us a line & tell us how Mary is we are waiting to hear.

Dear grandmother I want to
Tell you what I am doing
in school I am learning
How to read and write

and sPell. I can read dook
That we have it home
I just wanTed To Tell
you This

are you feeling good

Betty Carlson

 [written in cursive]
Dear grandmother,
I want to tell you some
of the things I learned.
I have learned lots of
new games One is
Red Rover.
I have learned
many new words in
our books.  We are just about through
with our Helth
Are you feeling
Alvin Carlson

Mar 20th 49
Dear Laura
I was so glad to get your letter and hope you are feeling better and that the house that you got will be satisfactory to you all  I am writing this in a hurry as I am going to bed.  The baby boy was born Mar 14th  They are going to name him Daniel Jansen.  Mary came home from the hospital Friday.  She is feeling fine, has a touch of rheumatism in her legs but not bad.  I had a touch of it also  I guess we were on the go too much.  The children are all well, the baby is a nice big boy.  He weighed 8 lbs 4 ½ ozs.
I had a letter from Helen, they are having a time of it.  Mont was sick with flue, and David had his tonsils taken out, as his ears started running again, and the baby is still colicky  The weather here has been fine.  I will have to write to Pearl also  I thought Mary or Daniel would write but they didn’t.  Mary didn’t feel like it in the hospital she wrote to several, Helen & her Mother and a few others. Thanks for sending your Aunt Jessie McPherson’s letter to me. I will save it for you.  You better answer her letter.  Give my love to the children & Harold and lots of love to your own dear self

Lovingly,  Mother. 
and do write soon.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Two letters and a postscript

Post Card postmarked DENVER, COLO Mar 19 3 PM 1942 TERMINAL R.P.O.
From: 643 Cedar St. San Antonio, Texas
To: Mrs. Jane S. Davidson
3112 So. 7th East
Salt Lake City, Utah

                                                                        Thurs. Noon
Dear Mom,

            We’re in Denver & I’ve spent the morn. with Aunt Nell. Alvin didn’t sleep well on the train but he has slept all morning.  I’m going to get a sleeper tonight if there is one available.  The train was surely a grand one.  We are being delayed here in Denver 2 ½ hrs.  It snowed all night & it is still snowing here & the wind is something fierce.  We left in such a hurry from home it was terrible.  I’ll surely never forget my first train ride.  The sleeper tonight will be about $3.05.  Before we got to Denver my shopping bag split & I bought a suit case for $1.25 it is much handier.  Alan is such a big help.  Alvin wants to get into everything tho.  Write to me soon.
                                                                            Love, Laura.

From Roland in Burns March 19th 1942
Dear Sister Laura,

            Hope you are still in Salt Lake.  Write and tell us all about Harold and what service he is in and so on and on.  We seldom hear from you, whereas you never hear from us, so what we can expect no one can tell.  I regret that you are going so far away, and that I am where I cannot get away to see you.  But it looks as though the Davidson’s are beginning to scatter, and they have a very heavy obligation towards all mankind with the wonderful teachings they have received from   such wonderful parents.  It is up to them to live the life as outlined in principle and fact by their mother, to be thrifty, and unafraid of life.  To raise children to be good citizens first in the kingdom of God , and second in the good old U.S.A.

            Well Texas is a little larger than Oregon, but not quite as beautiful and full of opportunity, I don’t think.  But I am sure if you will get in and serve the Lord He will bless you and yours wherever you go and in whatever you do.
            Sorry sis to have to shortchange you like this on this letter, but I am now late for the mail, and I think you would rather receive this now than to wait and perhaps wait some more.  Write anyhow, and let us know the score.

             With love from all of us in Oregon, 
             Your brother and family,  Roland

P.S. from Mother:
            Harold’s Mother got the plants.  She slipped on the steps and fell going home.  She wasn’t hurt as she landed on her knees.  She broke the little lamp, so you will need to give Jean something else.  I have tried to get Carlsons today but they are not home.  They were all o.k. Sat.  Love, Mother

[Roland Davidson must have sent the letter to Salt Lake and Jane Davidson added the PS before sending it on to San Antonio.]

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A mother tribute from a son-in-law

Air Mail To: Mrs. Jane Davidson
3112 So. 7th East.
Salt Lake City, Utah

From H.E.C. Box 2395
San Antonio, Texas
                                                                        San Antonio, Texas
                                                                        Mar. 18, 1942
Dearest Mother;

            Here I've been gone almost three weeks and never written once to you personally.  I really feel ashamed.  It isn't that I've neglected you in my thoughts.  I think of you always and my thoughts are of gratitude for your kindness, love and help.

            Mother, I thank you most of all for your daughter.  I love Laura with all my heart and I think that the things I love in her most are the things her mother has taught her.

            I have missed her so much it will be like heaven to have her here with my by Friday.  She and the darling little son she bore me are two of the happiest possessions I have in the world.  I promise to protect them with all my love and life.  I’ll bring them back to you soon for I’m sure Zion has too great a hold on us to let us stay away very long.  My job will very probably end with the war which won’t last long.

            Thanks darling mother for being so kind as to keep my loved ones while I found a home for them here with me.  Someday (from now on I hope) will try our hardest to repay you for this as well as all the other kind gestures you have made toward us.

            We have a fine branch of the church here.  The people are of the top rank in both your and my ways of thinking.  I’m sure Laura will enjoy it.  We’ll write and tell you all about it after Laura gets here.  God bless and keep you. 
                                                                      Your loving son, Harold

P.S. Tell Wid & Edna and family - Helen and Mont Jennette & Burnell and family and Pearl I’ll (will) write soon and in the mean time - all my love and thanks for the help you all so generously gave H.E.C.

Monday, March 17, 2014

72 years ago today there was lots of snow in Salt Lake

                                                                         Mar 17, 1942
 Dear Harold,
            Sorry you sent the money, I guess you didn’t get my letter soon enough telling you I had enough.  I’m just on my way to town now to get it.  I’m in an awful hurry trying to get my things packed.
            Am leaving with Alvin & Alan tomorrow 7:00 P.M.  From D. & R. G.   Will arrive 4:30 Friday.
            Everyone is well, & it is still winter. 15 in. Of snow last Fri & 2 or 3 in last night.
            Will see you soon
P.S.  If you have time & money you might get a few groceries in the house. Shortening. Soap. Cereal. pablum. eggs.  You’ll know better than I what you can get.  Love

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Where did February go?

                                                  Feb. 15, 1942 [Probably Mar. 15, 1942]

Hello Darling,

            Boy, the next time we move, I go with you when you go, or you don’t go.  What a job we've had.  Ken and Gord, Mont, Wid & Burnell [brothers and brothers-in-law] got all the freight off yesterday which didn't inc. the book case or radio and did include Baby Bed, kitchen table & chairs, dishes, pans, books, bedding & fruit.  The cost was terrible. $34.70.  I pd only $16.00 leaving $35.00 for my fare & Mont promises to pay me $15.00 before I leave.  We’ll have to pay the rest of the freight at that end.
            As far as I know I’m leaving here Wed. eve at 7:00 P.M. on the D & R.G. & will arrive at 4:30 P.M. Friday.  I have a bit of news too.  Alvin & I will not be traveling alone I don’t believe.  Alan Lundgren is on his way, & will try to leave the same time I do.  We will have 4 ½ hrs in Denver, but will come all the way thru on a streamliner.
            Darling, I hope you’re well, and I’ll be so glad when I’m down there & we’re settled.  I've been so busy the last few days I’m really tired, but today, Sun. I have rested all day.  Had dinner with Mother & Dan
                                               Mar. 16, 1942
            Went to church last night & didn't finish writing the letter. Got your special delivery this morn. As I have said I sent the table & chairs, but do not dispose of those you got until after we get there because our freight may take 3 weeks to get there. 
            Helen & Mont are giving me $15.00 & I have $35.00 for my fair.  Hope you have enough to run on.
            Can’t think of anything more to say, but I think you've done wonders.  Can’t wait to get there.
            I’ll leave here Wed eve that’s certain.  But there is a train at 7:00 & one at 8:00 P.M.  I don’t know which one Alan will want to take.  I think it will be the 7:00 P.M. getting us there Fri eve at 4:30 P.M.

                                                 Laura & Alvin

P.S. Just received your letter of 13th.  Don’t worry about money.  I think well be ok.

Friday, March 14, 2014

money matters

                                                                                                         March 14, 1942

            Received your letter of March 12 and my heart swelled with happiness know that it’s only a matter of days and I’ll hold you in my arms.
            I took that civil service test this morning and have spent the rest of the day shopping.  Here’s what I bought.
            1 gas range at                         $15.00
            1 iron bed at                             $4.50
            1 bed spring at                         $7.50
            1 inner sp. Mattress - recon.  $12.00
            5 piece breakfast set               $9.50
            1 cot and mattress                  $5.00
            connection of range                 $2.00
                                    Terms –cash- !!!

            I looked for hours and the best we could do for the same type of things on terms was $71.50.  Then they needed 1/3 down.  Well I didn't have the $55.50 either.  I had a total of $25.++.  This is what I did.  Paid $20.00 as part-payment and agreed to pay the $35.50 Monday evening.  The things will be delivered Tuesday.
            Where will I get the $35.  Well Monday is pay day.  I’ll get $75 less $10 for the 1st and 2nd (which I didn't work).  Which will be $65.  There will probably also be a deduction for retirement.  Say I have a $6 0.00 check   $60.00
                                                                         35.50 - due on furniture
                                                                           5.00 cash on hand
            Now if I should telegram you $20 say Monday I would have $9.50 less my food to last us from the time you arrived till we get paid again which would be on the 2nd.
            But if you leave Monday you might not get the money at all.  I don’t know what to say.  I guess we could have applied for that money in the teachers retirement.  But it would be too late to help us now.  Maybe Dad or some (if you talked to him) might lone you $25 until the 2nd of the month.  Maybe you will have to visit some high powered loan office.  You might even go to Mr. Maughn and see if there is some way to get it on our school loan.  I’m sure I could get it if I were there.  But I don’t know about you.  (You know the earner must make the application etc.)
            I've even wondered if maybe I wouldn't get a telegram from you asking me to rake it up down here.  Maybe I could but I don’t believe I’ll try unless I get word from you.  Here’s hoping we figure it out some way.  I don’t believe we had better put off your coming as the longer it drags the less of that $40 you’ll have and the worse it will be.  One thing if Reed stays with us (and therefore the cot and mattress) he will probably pay in advance which would give you something to run the house on.  Well anyway Darling, Don’t worry.  We’ll find some way.  The first (the start) is always hardest.  I recd Reed’s letter and will try to meet him.  About meeting you - I work from 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Sundays and Holidays included.  I’ve had today off - but will have to work tomorrow (Sunday) then I have next Saturday and Sunday off.  I would love to meet you too darling and if I know exactly when you arrive I might be able to arrange it, so you had better let me know - via telegram perhaps.  If by terrible chance I can’t make it - You have a taxi take you to 643 Cedar St. (CEDAR ST.)  Our door is the one on the right hand side (going in).  I’ll leave it open unlocked in case.
                                                                        How’s my little boy?  Alvin you sure better recognize your daddy or he is going to cry right out loud.  Please Be Careful Darling and no running in the R.R. station understand? Ha! Ha!  But honestly dearest darling wife Laura it will be heaven to have you with me again.  May God keep you and bring you safely to your Loving Husband Harold