Friday, May 30, 2014

Samuel H Smith, my father's grandfather and his great grandmother Jane Patten were on the Amazon

Diary of Edward L. Sloan
Aboard the Pioneer Ship The Amazon
Wednesday, 3rd. Still berthing and getting things put straight; no easy matter considering that close upon 900 souls were on board.
Thursday, 4th About 2 p.m. we passed into the Thames, towed by a tug, and went on down towards Gravesend. While going down the river the passengers had to pass again to search for stowaways. Some were found, but not Saints, and were sent on board the tug. The company was again organized by President [George Q.] Cannon and a meeting held the previous evening, (Wednesday), and on that day the passengers first passed instead of Thursday. Elder William Bramall was appointed president and Elders E. [Edward] L. Sloan and Richard Palmer his first and second counselors. President Cannon accompanied the ship down to Gravesend, several of the elders, being [p.242] with him. When he left, Brothers Bramall, Sloan, and Palmer organized the ship's company in 13 wards appointing a president to each, and in the evening served out bread, tea, & sugar. Very busy getting the people settled between decks, their [-] and loose things fastened and things put to rights.
Friday, 5th. Blowing fresh. A head wind. Tacking every hour, making only about 1 mile of our course to 8 of sailing. A great many of the Saints sick. Served out beef, pork, and peas.
Saturday, 6th. Blowing a gale, wind almost dead ahead. Boiled, or should I say, spoiled some rice and gruel for the sick. In the evening, anchored close to the Isle of Wight and about 6 miles off Portsmouth. Brothers Bramall, Palmer, & myself kept very busy attending to the [p.243] numerous cases of sickness & suffering. We were a little sick but kept our feet and had our legs well occupied. My family very sick.
Sunday, 7th. Still at anchor. The day was something calmer. Served out the rest of the provisions. Many of the Saints recovered from their seasickness. Held a meeting of ward presidents at eight p.m. in the after part of the ship in the second cabin's ward & gave them some instructions relative to cooking, getting water, and &c. Elder Elijah Larkin, having been appointed sergeant of the guard, is attending well to his duties. President Cannon appointed Elder William McLaughlin [McLachlin] clerk, who has made out various lists of names & keeps a journal for the company.
Monday, 8th. Still at anchor. A calm day [p.244] but the little wind blowing still dead ahead. The Saints enjoyed themselves on deck, and a brass band from Cardiff, which accompanied us played selections of music. The evening calm & beautiful. Held another meeting of ward presidents at eight p.m.
Tuesday, 9th. The day passed much as the previous one. The cooking galley being the most important part of the ship and eating seemed the most important business of life. Return of sunshine & calm weather had a wonderful effect upon the appetites of the company & puddings & pies were at a premium. The band, as on several former occasions, played several tunes through the day. About 7 p.m., a slight breeze having sprung up rather more favorable, we weighed anchor and while tacking gently round the Isle of Wight. We held a meeting of 4 wards on the lower between decks which was addressed [p.245] by Brother Bramall & myself. A good spirit prevailed, and all seemed to enjoy themselves much. While anchored, a boat visited the ship twice, from Portsmouth, bringing bread & other fresh provisions on board and many of the Saints in their eagerness to obtain, acted most unwisely, some in changing their gold to buy a trifle such as a loaf of bread, others in spending I believe nearly their last shilling while the ten days' journey between New York and Florence lies before us where they must find their own provisions, starve, or be dependent upon others for food. We had to place a man beside the cellars to caution the Saints who were willing to act on the counsel given them to a great extent.
Wednesday, 10th. Blowing steadily and rather favorable. A good spirit prevailing on board. Some sick & under the doctor's charge. I had [p.246] fee after them all & others who were ailing a little as well. Towards evening the wind freshened and the night proved a very rough & stormy one. Many got sick, my family's sickness increased.
Thursday, 11th. Blowing very fresh. Towards evening the wind calmed down, and we held a meeting on the upper between decks commencing shortly after. Brothers Bramall, Palmer, and myself spoke. A good spirit prevailed.
Friday, 12th. Again blowing fresh, and many sick. Boiled some gruel to serve out to the sick. The regulations with regard to rising at half past 5 a.m., having prayers at 7, having previously cleaned the berths & decks, & holding ward prayer meetings again at 8 p.m. have not been carried [p.247] out very strictly, as so many of the people have been sick and unable to rise at the proper time; some not at all through the day. Brother Bramall & myself very busy around the decks.
Saturday, 13th. The morning being calm and a day favorable. Served out provisions for the ship's company. Many of the sick have recovered. A good feeling prevails on board. At night held meeting for 3 wards in the second cabin when Brother Bramall & myself addressed the people giving them such instructions as we believed their circumstances required. This afternoon we passed through a shoal of porpoises which looked very beautiful as they tossed their large bodies out of the water plunging almost like salmon Mr. Williams, the chief mate, tried to harpoon one, but failed to get near enough to throw. Going about 4 points off our course. [p.248]
Sunday, 14th. A fine day and a nice breeze blowing, though still a little head wind. Got most of the people on deck & held a meeting, administering the sacrament at three p.m. on the spar deck. I spoke for some time and President Bramall followed at some length. The captain, chief mate, & most of the cabin passengers on the Poop Deck, listened with much attention during the whole. Going about 8 knots an hour. Held another meeting on the lower between- decks at 8 p.m. for six wards, when Brother B.[PROBABLY, Bramall] and myself again spoke at some length. Captain Hovey was present most of the time, though unknown to us till the meeting closed. As usual, went round the decks to see all safe & visited the guards on the upper deck.
Monday, 15th. Up about 6 a.m. and as customary went round the decks looking after the sick [p.249] and found that almost all the people were able to get up and go on deck though several are suffering from diarrhea. Gave them some medical comforts while the doctor gave them some medicine. A fine day, and a gentle breeze, but still from the wrong quarter. Some dissatisfaction having arisen concerning the cooking. President B. [Bramall] called a meeting of the ward presidents & the cooks at past 7 & after several of the brethren had spoken, instructions were given by Brother B. [Bramall] & myself relative to the galley arrangements that good order and satisfaction might be preserved. Held a meeting afterwards in the 8th Ward for numbers 1 & 8 being the single mens' steerage wards. Brothers Palmer, myself, & Bramall spoke & a good feelings prevailed.
Tuesday, 16th. Running six points off our course under a head wind. In the afternoon, tacked ship & made good way, going within two points of [p.250] our course. This morning, about past [-], Heber Franklin Tavey, aged 5 months, child of Peter & Frances Tavey of London, died of relaxation & diarrhea, and was buried at 4 p.m. in latitude fifty two degrees north, longitude sixteen degrees west. I had the people who were present on deck, mostly ranged on the port side, being the leeward side, sing two verses of a hymn, offered up a prayer and made a few remarks. The carpenter launching the child which was sewed up in some cloth with a weight to sink it attached over the side. Closed with singing and a short prayer. Held meeting in the after part of the lower deck at 8 p.m. when myself, Brothers Palmer & Bramall spoke and much of the good spirit was enjoyed.
Wednesday, 17th. Becalmed. The potatoes having begun to sprout very strongly in the bags, got them up on deck & had the buds taken off & the rotten ones picked out & thrown away.[p.251] Made about 3 miles an hour, the after part of the day. Three ships in sight, two ahead, and one on our starboard. Held meeting forward on the upper between decks, Brother Bramall, myself, & Brother Palmer speaking, giving some further instructions relative to cookery, cleanliness, & preserving health, and retaining the Spirit of God.
Thursday, 18th. Still a head wind; running some 6 points out of her course. Wrote some, transcribing part of discourse by President A. M. Lyman delivered in Glasgow, March 9, 1862. The rest of the time busy among the Saints, looking after their welfare. Some dissatisfaction having arisen at the cooking galley. Held a meeting of ward presidents in the evening when Brother Bramall and myself spoke relative to the matter, giving what instructions we deemed [p.252] requisite. They expressed their intentions of carrying them into effect.
Friday, 19th. Rather calm, spoke to a ship today. Did not learn her name. Served out dry provisions, excepting bread & potatoes. Rather rainy, held meeting at night for 3 wards in the second cabin's ward. Myself, Brother Bramall, and Brother Palmer talked.
Saturday, 20th. Blowing & raining a gale, but still from the wrong quarter. Many sick, my wife and Sister M. [Eliza McLuskie] included. Very busy in the morning seeing after the sick. In the afternoon it cleared up & calmed when the most of the Saints were brought on deck & tar burned between decks. Held a meeting in the single mens' compartment for the two wards, upper & lower, between decks, in No. 1 Ward. Brother Bramall & myself spoke and Elder T. [Thomas] Crawley. [p.253]
Sunday, 21st. Blowing very hard & a heavy sea on the wind still ahead. It being too rough to hold a general meeting on the Spar Deck, divided the ship's company into 4 lots & held sacrament meeting for all at past 2 p.m. Elder Wells, president of No. 1 Ward, took charge of the single mens' wards, Brother Bramall of 6 wards on the lower between decks, myself of 4 wards on the upper between decks, & Brother Palmer of 3 wards in the second cabin for that ward, the & the two intermediates. Thought many were sick, good times were enjoyed. Several of the brethren spoke & a good spirit prevailed. Brother Bramall & myself blessed a child at the close of his meeting on the lower between decks by the name of Margaret Ann, daughter of Mary Davis [Davies] of [--] & Thomas Davis [Davies] who has not come with her on this vessel. Held another meeting on the same deck at 8 p.m. & enjoyed ourselves [p.254] very much in a testimony meeting. The Cardiff choir singing some very nice pieces, after which I spoke for some time & was followed by Brother Bramall.
Monday, 22nd. Still blowing fresh and a head wind. Steering north & by east. Served out the rest of the provisions. Too rough to do any writing, the ship listing very much to leeward. An occasional, stampede of tins & kettles taught the Saints the necessity of having everything secured. Usual ward meetings.
Tuesday, 23rd. During the night the wind chopped around a little more towards the south. The ship's head was put toward the southwest, perhaps a point or two from it. Continued rough all day, a heavy sea running. Brother B. & myself kept very busy looking after the sick. Held meeting at [p.255] night on upper decks. Brother Crawley, myself, & Brothers Palmer & Bramall spoke.
Wednesday, 24th. Little wind blowing. Freshened up & about noon, put her head round to west-southwest. Blew very hard towards evening & continued most of the night. The ship going with a reef in the main sail & main top gallant sail, mizen lower & upper topsails set aft & forward main sail lower & upper top sail set. Held meeting in the 2 cabins for 3 wards. Myself, Brothers Palmer, Vandermond [PROBABLY, VanderMoude], & Bramall spoke.
Thursday, 25th. Much calmer and the wind blowing more ahead. Ship put on the other tack about 9 a.m. A brigantine crossed our path about past 1 p.m. with stud sails flying, apparently heavy laden. Wind freshened up towards evening with heavy masses of clouds to windward. Held meeting for [p.256] the single men in No. 8 ward on the lower deck; Brother Palmer, myself, & Brother Bramall spoke & gave them some counsel and instructions. Got to bed late. Maggy has got diarrhea.
Friday, 26th. Feeling rather unwell, being nearly worn out with watching and laboring among the people with Brother Bramall. Almost a calm, but the little wind blowing something more favorable. Served out provisions for the company. In the evening held meeting for six wards on the lower deck, when myself & Brother Bramall spoke. Captain Hovey was present during the time. Felt very unwell, and took some brandy & water by the doctor's orders & went to bed.
Saturday, 27th. Stayed till after 10 a.m. & got up feeling very weak & ill. Gained strength [p.257] as the day wore up. A perfect calm, the ship lying on the bosom of the mighty deep unmoved save as she gently rose & fell when the swell of the ocean passed under her; the water like a vast sea of molten glass. For the first time since we left London, we experienced warm weather, the thermometer standing at 72 degrees on the Spar Deck. Some whales appeared in sight, and created quite a sensation as they cast water up through their nostrils or blow holes to a great height. Got round the deck about 3 p.m., the duty usually attended by me the first thing in the morning. Towards evening the ship gathered way and began to move, laying about 4 points off her course, the wind being almost dead ahead. Held meeting at night on the upper between decks for 4 wards when Brother Palmer, myself, & Brother Bramall spoke on the evils & lack of wisdom of indulging in a spirit of nationality, some national feeling [p.258] having been manifested between the English & the Welsh Saints.
Sunday, 28th. A nice breeze; the ship going in the forenoon about 7 knots, and laying her course. Sacrament meetings held in every ward at 11 a.m. and 4 meetings appointed between decks, same as last Sunday, as it rained & was rather uncomfortable on the Spar Deck. At noon spoke the packet ship "Constantine" from Liverpool for New York. She left about 8 days before we left London. The general meetings were held at past 2. Brother Samuel [L.] Evans presiding over 3 wards in the second cabins, Brother Bramall over 4 on the upper [-] decks, Brother E. J. Edwards over the single men's wards; and myself over the 6 on the lower deck. The wind freshened up towards the evening and about 8 p.m. it blew almost a gale. A sudden [PROBABLY, squall] [p.259] approaching almost to hurricane violence, carried away the flying jib, tearing it into ribbons like paper, and a heavy fall of rain pouring down in torrents, dashed down the open hatchway before the sky lights could be got on; we shipped a sea or two at the same time. The second mate, hearing the singing going on below, in the ward meetings, during the time, gave expression to some remarks indicative of his astonishment at the nonchalance displayed by the sisters in such a season of apparent peril. The wind calmed after the rain very much though it still blew fresh. Got to bed late, very wearied and unwell.
Monday, 29th. Feeling quite sick suffering from headache and general indisposition. Got up late. Became something better in the afternoon. The day beautiful; a nice breeze keeping down the heat, but the [p.260] wind still from the wrong quarter. Most of the Saints on deck. Rather a weighty sea. Hold a meeting of 3 wards in the second cabin. Brother Palmer, myself & Bramall spoke. Spoke [to] the "Minor" from Liverpool this morning.
Tuesday, 30th A perfect calm & very hot busy in the morning among the people between decks. Wrote some in the afternoon transcribing a little. Held a meeting for the two wards of single men in the 1st Ward. Brother Palmer, myself, & Brother Bramall spoke. Some needful counsel being given relative to indulging in the spirit of apostasy, & on thievery. Some feel things having been taken from some of the people, principally fresh bread. Some dancing on the spar-deck in the evening. [p.261]
Wednesday, July 1st. A little wind through the previous night but a dead calm again today. The sun pouring down his scorching rays. Spent some time writing. The captain, very courteously had a sail spread as an awning, over the after part of the deck which a delicious & grateful shelter from the heat, which following so closely on the cold weather was felt more than it would have been. A schooner in sight all day. In the evening there was some dancing on the deck, Dr. Thomson playing the concertina. Held meeting in the lower between decks for 4 wards; Brother B. [Bramall] & myself spoke principally on honesty & cleanliness. A little wind in the evening sent the ship moving on, but very slowly.
Thursday, 2nd. Almost a calm, yet the ship keeps moving on, though slowly. In about 43º north latitude the heat somewhat qualified by the [p.262] gentle breeze. Done some transcribing in the after part of the day. Dancing, again, on the deck in the evening to the music of the band. Held meeting at night in the forward part of the lower deck. Myself & Brother Bramall spoke each. Some sharks seen today round the ship. The wind fell towards midnight & it became a dead calm. The glory of some of the sunsets now beggars description & requires to be seen to be appreciated.
Friday, 3rd. Called up by the captain at past 5 to consult as to the propriety of curtailing the supply of water, seeing that we have been becalmed almost for several days and no immediate prospect of wind. Seeing him determined to have it so & knowing he had the power, I fell into his humor & agreed to it, Brother Bramall not being up, on conditions that when a favorable breeze springs up we should have the proper quantity [p.263] issued. When the quantity was reduced to 2 quarts to each adult, 2 children under 8 years & over 1 counting 1 adult. Served out provisions & had the potatoes picked & sorted. Dancing on deck to the band. Held meeting at night in the after part of the lower deck. Brother Bramall & myself spoke.
Saturday, 4th. The band up & playing some lively airs at 5 a.m. This was about the only evidence we had that it is the memorable 4th of July. A little wind part of the day which fell towards evening. In the afternoon, spoke the Spanish brig Restarateur presumed to be from New York. Some dancing in the evening. Had the ward presidents & the cooks together in the evening & gave them some instructions. One or two of the brethren when speaking in their ward meetings, used language concerning the sailors [-] of an irritating [p.264] kind, relative to some of the sisters entering into conversation with them, which was heard by the watch on deck & produced a bad feeling.
Sunday, 5th. Sacrament meetings in the wards at 11 a.m. In the afternoon preaching meeting on the Spar Deck. At Brother B.'s request, I preached on the first principles of the gospel & had considerable liberty in speaking. Much interest was manifested by one or two of the ship's company, but the doctor & captain complimented us by telling Brother Bramall that it was Christianity, & not Mormonism, that was preached. In the evening, held a meeting in the upper between decks, when Brothers Palmer and Bramall spoke. The language of Brother B. and myself in the afternoon was of a nature calculated to allay ill feelings. It rained rather hard in the front end and many of the Saints caught rainwater for washing purposes. [p.265]
Monday, 6th. Wind blowing from the west, northwest, the very course we wish to run; the ship's head toward the north, casting a little. For the last two days we have been in the Gulf stream & are now heading north to get out of it. Our latitude yesterday morning was about 41ºnorth. Fogs are beginning to make themselves seen & felt, indicating our proximity to the banks of Newfoundland. Wind fell towards evening, but a gentle breeze bore us on; the ship having been put on the other tack made a little way on her course. Tacked again between 9 & 10 p.m. Ward meetings only tonight.
Tuesday, 7th. Laying our course pretty well. Soundings taken in 50 fathoms [of] water. Some lines out for fishing, but no success. The second mate told me about 2 p.m. that we are 840 miles from New York, but from an observation made by the captain he calculated [p.266] and the distance is over one thousand miles. Held meeting, the 11th Ward (starboard intermediate) for the two intermediate wards, the second cabins. Myself & Brother Bramall spoke. Feeling rather unwell at night. This evening the brethren & sisters enjoyed themselves in the 7th Ward for [an] hour or two with songs & recitations in a social capacity.
Wednesday, 8th. Making very little headway. Spoke a Swedish [-] signals, but could not make out her name. Weather chilly, but not so cold as yesterday. Dancing in the evening to the band. Held meeting on the lower deck for 4 wards. Brother B. & myself spoke at some length.
Thursday, 9th. Rather foggy; in fact what is called "bauk weather". Blowing a little more wind. Held meeting in the lower deck forward for the single men's wards. Brother B. & myself spoke. Towards midnight the wind chopped round [p.267] fair and yards were squared, a pleasant sight & exceedingly gratifying. I borrowed a lamp of Brother T. [Thomas G.] Crane, the company's lamplighter, & transcribed until 2 a.m.
Friday, 10th. Feeling rather unwell. Wind blowing fresh & fair; making good headway. Served out provisions for the company and got through the afternoon. At 5 p.m. held a meeting of wards' presidents and gave some instructions relative to various items respecting our landing at New York & other matters [-] to take up a donation.
Saturday, 11th. Wind still blowing fresh and favorable. The captain posted a notice for the satisfaction of the company that at noon we were 730 miles from Sandy Hook. In the afternoon Brother Bramall & myself commenced collecting the money which the Saints wished changed at New York to obtain the [-] or gold. [p.268] through 9 wards. Held meeting in the 11th Ward for the two intermediates & the second cabin. Brother Palmer, myself, & Brother Bramall spoke. Passed a Prussian bark with emigrants, in the afternoon; could not learn her name.
Sunday, 12th. Captain Hovey distributed tracts & New Testaments to those who wished them. Sacrament meetings at 11 a.m. in the wards. The wind fell away in the afternoon; and the ship having been put about, held meeting on the Spar Deck. Brother Bramall preached at some length, and I followed for a few minutes. At night held a meeting for 4 wards on the lower deck. Brothers Palmer, myself & Brother Bramall spoke.
Monday, 13th. Very little wind blowing, but favorable. In the afternoon [p.269] a notice was posted, announcing our distance from Sandy Hook to be 470 miles. Finished collecting the money to be changed in the afternoon. Held meeting at night in the upper between decks for the 4 wards there. Brothers Palmer, myself, & Bramall spoke. A fair wind, stun sails set, and through the night going about 10 knots an hour.
Tuesday 14th. Blowing fresh. At noon were 370 miles from Sandy Hook, & at 8 p.m. were on George's Shoal about 295 miles from it, where the wind fell off. Busy all day among the Saints counseling and advising & directing them in their duties preparatory to & at the landing and after it. Continued the same in a meeting on the lower deck for 6 wards when Brother Bramall & myself spoke. Wrote some at letters [UNCLEAR, PROBABLY MEANING, Wrote at some letters] to Brother Cannon & my wife's father. Nearly run into by a steamer through the night. Very foggy this few days.
Wednesday 13th. [15th.] Served out potatoes to all. Wind ahead, busy looking after & laboring among those who remain sick that their convalescence might be hastened. Very foggy weather. [p.270] Wrote at some letters part of the afternoon, & at night attended a meeting in the 11th ward, starboard immediate, for [-] wards, when after myself & Brother Bramall commenced to speak. I grew so faint that I had to leave & stretch myself on a box. Recovered after some little time & went [-] the decks with Brother B.
Thursday 16th Feeling very unwell. After going around with the doctor & sewing out medical comforts, wrote for some time. A little after noon, the captain posted the following notice: Thursday July 16th 1863. Observation latitude 40 degrees, 40 degrees, longitude 69 degrees, 45 degrees. 180 miles to Sandy Hook. Wind southwest and an appearance of the fog clearing away, to which all will say amen. Towards evening, fell much worse but had to keep on my feet, there [p.271] were so many things to attend to. About eleven o'clock had to go up for the doctor to come to a child who was suffering from croup. He came, administered a mustard plaster to the throat, and an antimonial emetic continuing both. The child got better a good deal by morning. His usual medicines for diarrhea of which many cases occurred on board, was, where the pulse was strong & incompressible, tongue discolored & motions unnatural in color & offensive, 2 grains of cal. [PROBABLY Calcium] & 5 rhu. [ABBREVIATON UNCLEAR] for children; 2 grains cal. & 10 rhu. for adults. Where excessive pain was full - cloric ether about 8 or 10 drops for an adult, liquid [UNCLEAR, POSSIBLE opium] 15 drops & [-] of rhu. freely. For constipation, an carthartic pill or two, or a moderate dose of cal [- - ] or a saline [-]. Very foggy all night nearly.
Friday, 17th The cry this morning is land ho, land being in sight on our starboard [p.272] bow. The fog having lifted for a time we could see the land very plainly & numerous large vessels. After going around with the doctor, he very kindly bought a sheep's head and dissected the brain and eye for the instruction of Brother J. [Joseph] W. Morgan & myself, opening up the subject in a brief though lucid manner. He is, I think, a good anatomist & seems to be an ardent lover [of] the study; and he has very kindly, at different times drawn diagrams of various parts of the human system to explain the causes of certain diseases & the means to be adopted in restoring the system. [p.273] [PAGE TORN, ABRUPT END TO DIARY, NO ARRIVAL DATE GIVEN INTO SALT LAKE CITY].
BIB: Sloan, Edward L. Diary, [pp. 242-267,269-73]. (CHL)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memories - for tomorrow (I thought today was the 27th of May)

Laura D. Carlson                                                               May 27, 1963

            In my mind I have started to write my Life Story many many times.  Several times as a child I even made a feeble attempt to put my story on paper.  I think before I die I shall write my story many times, because my story is many stories.
            I was born of goodly parents: parents who gave up family and country for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I’ve always been very proud of Mama and Papa.  Papa has always been pretty much of an ideal, because I was only 8 years old when he died.  I remember being in a play of sorts with Papa.  He and I were Russians, and we went to Jesse Fox’s house.  The name of this thing, was “Around the World,” and there were others of other nationalities in other homes throughout the Ward.  I had just been given a new pair of high top white button shoes, and I remember putting them on to be in the play, and my older sisters told me I couldn’t wear them.  I had to put on some old ragged ones, and some old ragged clothes too.  Papa and I walked to the Foxes.  He took such long steps, and I had to take two or three running steps to his one.  On the way we stopped and bought a piece of watermelon at a house that represented Dixie.  I don’t know whether that was my first appearance in a production, or whether I was in the dance at the Salt Lake Theatre before that.  Yes, I actually danced in that wonderful old theatre.  I was a fairy or something like a fairy, and the old theatre was a wonderful place.  After our dance was over we were permitted to go up some wooden stairs to nigger heaven to watch the rest of the play.  It seemed like we climbed stairs for a long time.
            I don’t know how good an actress I was, but I was in several plays.  A Mutaul play that won first place in the Stake, a School play, that I didn’t fit the part, and was eliminated, another Mutual Play, “The Harvest Moon” where I discovered Harold, who later became my husband, and the play, either Abe Lincoln, or The Log Cabin, staring Raymond Massey.  Harold and I were both in that one.  It was shortly after we were married, and we were paid $2.00 a night to sing as part of the crowd.  It was fun, and we surely needed the money.
            Maybe it is because of these experiences that I have had a dream that has recurred at times.  The dream is that I am in a play, and the night of the play has arrived, and I don’t know my lines.  I have never even bothered to learn them.
            I had a wonderful childhood.  Hot summer sun, building a play house out of green twigs from the poplar trees lining the street, building rooms out of bricks and twigs.  The sand box was the main structure some times.  Other times the apple tree was one side of the house, and the cherry tree the other side, until we played jump rope with the rope tied to the cherry tree so often, that the poor tree died.  Hot summer sun, and dust up to our knees, with our bare toes squishing thru the dust, throwing the dust at each other, making dust bombs.  I’ve often wondered how my Mother ever got us clean.  Hot summer sun, and the old swimming hole in mill creek.  We didn’t have swimming suits, but we had to wear something, so we were given an old dress to wear.  Once in a while we would get a dress that was still usable as a dress.  We ate watercress we gathered from the creek just above the swimming hole.  It was clean up there.  We wallowed in the warm mud on the creek bank, and got back in again to wash off when we thought our hour was up, then dashed into the willows to dress to return home, only to find we had stayed in 3 hours.
            Hot summer sun, and picking cherries.  It was fun, and we could eat all we wanted.  After the first day we couldn’t stand to eat another cherry.  We climbed trees, we climbed ladders, and we worked and we played, and we were paid 1/2¢ a lb.  Hot summer sun, and a picnic at the Park.  There was always potato salad, canned born and beans, pickled beets, and a bottle of pop.  Fried chicken and olives were unknown to us until we were nearly grown.
            Hot summer sun, and the trip to the cemetery.  We always had to make two trips.  One a week before Memorial day, and one on Memorial Day.  The one a week before, we walked.  It must have been at least 3 miles– but seemed like 10.  We carried a hoe and a rake, and weeded the plot.  We could always take our time, and play along the way.  Memorial day we got up bright and early, and went to all the neighbors and asked them if they had any flowers we could take to the cemetery.  We always got big white Snow Balls from Fawsons, and Iris, or Flaggs from Webbers.  Mrs. Barrows always had a few large red peonies to give us.  Then we would wait till Mr. Fawson got his horse and buggy ready, and then later, his Model T. and he would take all of us.  By the time he had the model T. we took the rake and hoe with us for just one trip, and all of us pitched in and cleaned up the weeds, and gathered wild flowers to add to the lovely flowers we had brought.  My Father’s head stone was made of the granite taken from the foundation of the Salt Lake Temple, because he was working on the Annex when he died.  And last month that annex was torn down, and a new one is being build in its place.  In these two pages are many stories.  Each must be written with more time and care.

                                    Laura D. Carlson 

Wedding lists

                                                                                 May 27, 1963
                                                                                 5912  Lemon Rd
Dear Mother,
            The time whizzes by, and I don’t get any letters written.  Harold had his tonsils out, and I had a sore throat at the same time.  He is back in school now, and feeling fine.  The weather has been very cool lately, for which we are very thankful.  When it is cool we are able to get some rest.  When it is hot it seems that no one rests.
            I finished Betty’s wedding dress last Sat. and haven’t one for myself yet.  I don’t seem able to find a decent one in the stores.  I am still working, and will up till the day before we leave.  When I went to work today our 2 cashiers were out, one of them not coming back at all, and it was putting us in a terrible hole.  I called Betty, and she came and cashiered for us, and will till school is out.  It lets out June 13, the day we leave for Salt Lake.  They have to go back just for report cards that day.
            I wish I could help Helen with the wedding plans.  It seems to take all our time and energy to get things done here.  Tell Helen I will send her some money next week.  I am inclosing $2.00 for the wedding present for Lynn.  I’m sorry I didn’t get it sent sooner.
            We are bringing Cathy Shurtleff with us.  She is Laurie’s age & will stay with the Aunts or Uncles.
            Helen–can you send me names I’ve forgotten.  I have the following

May Jones Gale          Ray Hemingway         Does Herbert Biesinger live on 33rd So.?
Fay Fawson                 Ruth Laxman
Theo                            Margret Thompson     The DeYoungs, and the relatives.
Thayer Barrowes        Vern Grow                  We have Kathryn etc.  We don’t have young
L Natter                      Orson Clark                Roland’s address.  Who have we forgotten?  We are
James Telford             Lynn Dudly                 sending one to Mother Toronto, but don’t know 
 Marden Despain        Elmer Larsen              any of the others well enough.
Dean Rasmussen        Tom Mosley               It doesn’t sound like we are going to have many
Wallace Shurtless       Russ Ash                     there.
                                    LaVar Shurtleff          Please send me any names by return mail.
                                    Jack Hemmingway
                                    Anna Baugaard
                                    Clarence Maxwell
                                    Herbert Biesinger
                                                                        Lovingly, Laura

[Notes on reverse side of letter in handwriting of Jane S. Davidson]
Beth Johanson 2282 E / IN 7-2622
Mable Wittmer, 631 Ramona Ave
Beth Laxman Johansen Auer
2282 E 8200 So. Sandy
Mable Laxman Wittmer
Mollie Jackstien Barlow 2597 Kimbary Way
Mrs La Verl

Biesinger 599 E. 33 So.
Cox IN6-3355

BIN 6-5243                 IN65243

Friday, May 23, 2014

54 years ago President Monson was Mission President Monson.

                                                                                                      May 23, 1960

Dear Mother,
            It doesn’t seem possible that 2 weeks has passed since I wrote.  Willy was ill, and we thought it was tonsils.  It was, but along with it, or after 6 days of fever, he broke out with measles.  He is just over them.  Harold D. has had a fever since Friday, & tonight is pretty sick, still no sign of measles, but he should break out tomorrow or Thurs.  Laurie & Alice still to get them.
            I saw Roland & Lois at the R.R. Depot this afternoon for 5 minutes.  They are on there way to Toronto.  I just sent a night letter  over–  to Pres. Monson telling him they will arrive tomorrow night at 10:05 P.M.  I didn’t know whether you knew they had gone.  They got a telegram & the Priesthood brought them money to go.  They said the operation was scheduled for Wed. morning, but that the General Authorities were fasting & praying as also the missionaries & all there.
            Roland F. was very homesick, & has lost a lot of weight.  They felt if his parents were there he would be much better.  We may be in S.L. the 12th of June - Not certain will write later


Thursday, May 22, 2014

gardening and rug making

                                                                                                                                                          May 22, 1945
Dear Mother,
            Jane is such a different baby from Alvin and Betty.  They were both so roly poly, but she is long, and altho she is fat, doesn’t appear to be so.  She still has blue eyes, and every one says she looks like me.  I have never had a baby that has been so hard to feed tho.  She doesn’t like to eat food out of a spoon, but I still persist.  The things Betty liked exceptionally well, she just won’t have.  She is a good baby tho, and much smaller than either of the other two.  It may be that I try to get her to eat too much.  She sits up alone now, and wants to grab everything in sight.
            We were quite surprised to hear of Mrs. Reese, altho had we watched the paper close we would have heard it earlier.  We saw the notice in last Sat. paper.  When I got an attack of appendicitis Sat. Harold was quite worried about me.  But I am ok again now.  Harold has been out planting tomatoes, cabbages, and peppers tonight.  It is wonderful the ground we have for a garden.  Mr. Zelenka has let us plant about half an acre, and we have peas, beans, and beets to can. Cucumbers, corn, squash, and all we can put in.  There is water every other days for 2 days to take care of it so we should have a good garden.  It looks as tho Harold may be able to stay in the city for a while to help take care of it too.
            Do you remember that rug that Mrs. Barnhart was teaching me how to make out of wool pieces in Topaz while you were there last spring?  Well, I’ve been at it again, but I’m running out of material for it.  She said if you use brown, don’t use blues or greys, so I’m trying to take her advice.  I was wondering if you had any old coats in the basement that you could send me.  Either in green, brown, tan, red, orange, or what have you.  If you do find something you can send, don’t attempt to wash it, just send it as is, and I’ll wash it before I use it.  I do need a rug, and it seems the best way to get one while we are so unsettled is to make one.  It doesn’t take long once you sit down to work on it.  But it does use a lot of material.  There is no particular hurry for them.
            I’ve already written to Pearl and Royce, and it is getting late, so I must stop.  Please let us know Mother if you are getting my money.  We will send you some the 15th of each month, and any money that we send to you has been tythed.  We feel that the Lord has blessed us, and we want to help you all we can.  Starting with the middle of this month Harold is getting his raise to 3200 a year.  We want to save all of it we can, but we couldn’t be happy if we knew you weren’t getting enough to get along.  Take care of yourself Mother, and may the Lord bless you.
                                    With Love,


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

72 years ago in San Antonio, Texas

                                                           May 21, 1942

Dear Mother,
            I wrote a letter last Mon, and I suppose Helen will send it on to you.  I’m glad the wedding seemed so nice, and that everyone was happy.  It was good too, that I left my dress home, and I hope Pearl enjoyed wearing it.
            We have had 3 days of lovely weather, not too hot, but beautiful summer days, altho tonight it is getting hot & sticky again.  We've just come in from our walk & put Alvin to bed, and I can’t seem to set my mind to writing very well.
            We decided that tomorrow night we would take our supper down to the park, it gets so warm in the house in the evening.  Reed has surely been a grand companion for Harold down here, and I've enjoyed having him here too.  He is no extra bother, makes his own bed, & I never have to pick up after him, and he acts just as one of us.  He gave me a couple of dollars last week for taking such good care of him when he was sick & I bought kitchen curtains, & oilcloth for my table, & some summer pajamas for Alvin.  Both Harold & Reed play with Alvin so much and make such a fuss over him I believe he sometimes wonders who his daddy is.  Reed has stayed with Alvin a couple of times while we went to a show, & several times when we’ve gone to church.  Usually tho we take him to church with us.
            Last Tues. we walked out to our new church, altho it took us an hr.  It is a beautiful little building tho, & they hope to be in it within a month.  Wed. night instead of having Relief Society all the men & women went out & scraped paint off the windows, and had sandwiches & cake afterward.  We have just had to tell them we couldn't help them pay for the church until we got on our feet.  As it is we haven’t been able to save any money yet, but I’m sure we’ll come out alright.  Last week we bought a chest of drawers, and it is a big relief after living out of suitcases for 2 months.  Yes, I’ve been here 2 months yesterday.
            Alan Lundgren is going back home on June 5th for 10 days, & will be married while he is there.  He requested the ofc. Here to offer her, Ruth Horne his girl friend, a position, & they have written to her requesting her to come, altho she will get paid $2.00 less than the boys are getting.  He has already rented a furnished apt. and moved into it.
            How are all of you managing with your sugar rationing.  I forgot to go after mine the first 2 weeks making the first stamp void.  I’ll surely have to watch them each two weeks.
            Did I tell you that we had our phone connected.  Our number is Kenwood 9472.  That call we put thru to Carlsons cost us $4.25.  We had no idea we talked so long, & we forgot to tell the opr. To notify us.  It is good to have the phone in tho because the boys will soon be working nights, and Harold says he feels safer having it in.  Since we have had it in, the church people have been able to arrange to call for us to take us to Church.
            I am still feeling fine, & getting brown as an indian.  I’m also getting pretty big altho the Dr. says I can’t expect to gain less than a lb. A week.  That seems a lot to me, but it is about what I’ve been gaining.  I’m just watching my diet, but I drink a lot of water, & it seems as tho it is the water that adds weight.  The heat has made my feet swell the last 2 weeks, but I still get in my walking.
            Write & tell me how you find Roland & Lois, and how all the children are.  I hope Lois gets along well, & we will be waiting to hear how she is.  I how you’ll enjoy your visit with them, and that they will appreciate having you there.  I can just imagine they are all so grown up we would hardly know them now.
            It is 9:30, & time I was getting Harold & Reed off to bed.  They are trying to teach themselves Spanish.  Goodnight Mom take care of yourself & give our love to Roland & Lois.
                        With Love,
                                    Laura, Harold & Alvin

[Included pictures: one of Reed Clinger and Alvin and one of Harold and Alvin “Harold must have been chewing some grass”]

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

a year later - May1943

                                                      643 Cedar Street
                                                      San Antonio, Texas
                                                      May 2, 1943
Dear Mother,
            It has been 2 weeks since I've written, and the time has passed like lightening.  Harold has had Wed. off the last 2 weeks, and went to the market each time, and got some strawberries.  We have 26 pints of jam, & I used the sugar I had 20 lbs.  I guess we aren't supposed to put up jam during war time, but I have it up, & I’m glad.  Dewberries are on now too, and we are going to put some up tomorrow if we can get them.  For Dewberries & Strawberries the board allowed me 15 lbs of sugar, so I’m sure we will make out ok.  The first time Harold went to the Market he brought back 30 bunches of carrots.  He got them for 30¢.  We had carrots for a week, and so did all our neighbors.  He also got 30 lemons for 50¢, and they are the size of grapefruit.  A half a lemon makes a 2 qt jug of lemonade.  We've been trying to get rid of them ever since.  All the neighbors found out about putting Epson Salts in jam, and what a stir it has made.  Mrs. Brown, Scott, & Muegee tasted the jam before they knew, and are going to make some.  We paid $2.50 a case for strawberries, but there are 24 boxes to a case so we don’t think that is too high.  Dewberries will be about 1.85 for 24 boxes.
            Harold was off last Sunday, Easter, and we had a very lovely day.  There were no candy eggs here either, altho Mrs. Muegee fixed up a great big basket with a rabbit of composition, & half a dozen hard boiled eggs & it was just filled with candy eggs.  She bought them 3 weeks before easter.  We went to Sunday School in the morning, then walked down to the park in the afternoon & ate our lunch.  Harold went to church at night alone, the children & I were too tired to go.  Harold said Byron Nielson & his wife were there.  I think it was only the second time they have been out.  I've been going to have them out, but it is such a job to have company.  We had the lady missionaries out 2 weeks ago, & I had quite a time.  Alvin wouldn't go to sleep in the afternoon, & I don’t know what got into him, because he dirtied in his bed, & I had to wash his sheets & bath him, then I made some lemon pie filling & it fell on the floor as I was taking it off the stove, and you should have seen the mess I had.  I can laugh at it now, but what a time I had then.  Have you heard from Sis. Poole?  We heard she was married 3 days after she returned so if she didn't call it was because she didn't have time.
            I've been busy sewing too.  I made 2 dresses with matching bonnets for Betty of those pieces I sent in my last letter, and I've started another dress out of that night gown Helen made for me years ago that I wore for an evening dress.  Last night I went to town to get something for you for Mother’s Day, thinking the stores were open until 9 P.M. but they were closed before I got there, with the exception of Kress & Grants, so instead I bought some patterns for sun suits, summer nightgowns, & a pinafore.  I came home by 8:30 & made one night gown for Betty before 9:30.  It was just plain square cut, but that is what she needs.  I’m even thinking of making a shirt for Alvin to wear at night.  You remember last year he just wore his panties, & he sweat so.  The little thin shirts would take up the perspiration anyway.  For the next 2 weeks I’m going to keep pretty busy sewing.  The heat has really started, & I want to get it all done before it gets any hotter.  We have had no rain to speak of here, & everyone is bemoaning the fact.  Our garden is doing fine.  Our neighbors are sharing it too, because with as little space as we have there are too many vegetables for us to eat alone.  During this last week we have picked string beans 3 times.  One bunch we gave to Mrs Muegee.  The beets seem to multiply.  The faster we pull them the faster they grow.  We have been getting 3 eggs a day too.
            Mrs. Jetton came to S. A. a little over a week ago, and she is feeling much better.  She said she has felt much better this past winter than she has for 3 or 4 years.  She felt pretty low for 2 or 3 days when she first came, but is feeling well again.  She likes to have Alvin visit her, & he doesn't need a second invitation.  He spends a good deal of his time there.
            Mrs. Scott across the street finally moved last Thursday.  They moved over on Devine near Labor.  That is the corner where we catch the bus to go to church, so from now on we will push the kids over in the buggy & leave it at their place until we come back.  It will make it easier, because Betty is getting pretty heavy now.  She crawls all over the place, and gets into everything.  Poor thing, she feels the heat worse than any of us.  She cut her 2 lower teeth this week, and that didn't help her much.  She drinks water out of a cup like a veteran, & won’t let you take the cup away until it is all gone.  With this heat she needs all the water she can get.
            We were surely glad to hear from Pearl this week.  It was a shame to think Royce couldn't take a day off on his way East so he could see his baby.
            I've been writing this letter piece meal as usual, but hope it makes some sense.  Tell Pearl Cleo Nelson Bateman & her husband (Pibst) were in S. A. for a month but I didn't know it until the day before she left, & she lived within 3 blocks of us.
            Well, I've got to get cleaned up and get Harold’s supper ready so we can get to church tonight.  I gave my last Relief S. lesson last Tues, and it turned out really good, and it is a wonder, because they moved it up one week again & didn't tell me until Sunday.
            Next Sunday is Mother’s day, and our second one away from home.
                                                May 3, 1943
            Well Mother another day and this letter is not off, and it looks like I've messed it up pretty well too, but I’d better send it before I decide it is too bad to send.

                                                643 Cedar Street
                                                San Antonio, Texas
                                                May 9, 1943

Dear Mother,
            Mother’s Day is nearly over, and we have been wondering about you all day, wishing we might drop in and see you.  We all went to Sunday School this morning, & they had a very lovely program.  They gave each Mother a corsage of sweet peas.  Herbert Turley gave the tribute to Mothers, and they asked me to respond, representing the Mothers.  It made me feel good to think I could do it.  All this past week it worried me, & it seemed like I had so much to do, but everyone said I did fine.  Harold & the children gave me a dress and 2 lovely hankies.  The dress is a very pale green shantung, and it looks very nice on me.  Late this afternoon we walked down to the park and sat on the lawn trying to cool off.  The wind has blown hard for over a week, yet it has been very sticky.  Clouds have been hanging low, yet we still have had no rain.  It is so different from last year when we had rain so much & so heavy.  As a result of no rain we can’t get dewberries.  They say there is no sense even trying to pick them when there has been no rain.
            Can you get meat there?  We haven’t had good meat since rationing went in.  Yesterday I bought some hamburger & we made meat loaf.  It was so greasy it seemed like ground mutton.  There always seems to be plenty of port, but nothing else.  Our garden is still keeping us in vegetables.  Harold had 12 eggs hatch, so we will soon have more chickens.  He still has another hen setting too.
            Mrs. Brown hasn't been feeling too well lately, with a pain under her right breast something like I had, but it made her so uncomfortable they had an exray taken to see what was causing it, and they tell her she is going to have twins.  She is going to have some time if it is.
Mrs. Turbyville, the woman on the other side of Browns is due to go to the hosp. Any day, but for the last 3 or 4 days has been running a temperature.  She seemed better today however.
            We had a letter from Jennette yesterday & were glad to hear they were ok.  She said she was glad to get back home, but she surely misses you.
            Betty and Alvin are fine, but Betty had her first batch of heat rash today.  She crawls all over the house now, & pulls herself up around chairs.  She is always crawling under the bed, then can’t get back out.  We are getting some pictures developed tomorrow, so within a week perhaps you can expect some.  I guess everyone has decided I've forgotten about them because I've not written to anyone else for a long time.  I meant all week to write to DeYoungs & didn’t.

                                                   643 Cedar St.
                                                   San Antonio, Texas
                                                   May 20, 1943

Dear Mother,
            It sounds like some sort of fairy tale, but we are leaving here sometimes Sunday, as far as we know and are heading for Salt Lake in a new car with enough gasoline to get us there and all car expenses paid.  We are so excited we can’t settle down to determine what has to be done between now and then.  We are going to drive this car back for the Grant E. Hayes Co. in Salt Lake.  There was an ad in the paper here about it & we sent a nite letter and they answered by phone.
            Harold has a little over 2 weeks off, and he needs a vacation too.  I may stay a little longer, it will depend, but we are so tired already of the heat we would like a little cool weather.  We have all had heat rash this week pretty bad.  Betty has ben pretty miserable at times.
            We may rent our place to a soldier & his wife from church, we don’t know yet.
            We were happy to hear from you the other day.  Did you get my letter telling you Mrs. Jetton was here?  She is going back to Junction on the first.
            We hope Mary & Dan will still be there.  We would surely like to see them
            Can’t think of more to say now but are anxious to see you.  It will be some time next week we don’t know just when because we don’t know how long it will take us to drive.  We will only drive during the day.
                                                            With Love,

[Laura’s note: We left for Salt Lake the end of may 1943, and went to Topaz when school started in the fall.]