Capitol Hotel
Amarillo, Texas
29, 1964
Dear Ruth & Ock;
Looks like I get around don’t it? I left Washington April 19 and will return
home May 2nd. While I have
been gone Betty our oldest daughter gave birth to a baby girl (April 24). Laura called me long distance to give me the
news. She wrote yesterday saying all is
well. That Betty would be coming home
today. I don’t know any other statistics
but will [be] happy to get them first hand on Saturday when I get home.
I was sorry to miss you last month when I stopped over in
Salt Lake on my way home from Boise Idaho.
It was wonderful to see Mother however and I was happy that you were
enjoying your trip to California.
Although it was good to see Mother, I am forced to say she appears to
have lost considerable ground since last June when we were last in S.L.C. It makes my heart acke to see her so
frail. Yet she assured me she has no
pains. She was looking forward to your
return. This was good in itself to see
that she was looking forward to something.
I could see Ruth that it must be a terribly big job for you day after
day taking care of someone so helpless.
The rest of us owe you more than we can ever repay. Which reminds me to ask. How are moms finances? Please let me know. Are you still able to take the amount we
agreed upon? When its gone those of us
who can will see that you get it are paid provided we know. Also, Ruth, you owe it to yourself and family
to speak up. If and when it becomes a
bigger job than you can handle. But
I know it will be hard for you to do.
Its hard for me to think of Mother being any place than with one of
us. I know you as a wonderful sister and
a loving daughter to our Mother. Our
Fathers (both of them) in Heaven will bless you for what you have already
done. Keep us posted and let us share
your concern. Tell all hello for
us. It was good to see Mel and his
family and mother.
Your loving brother
It is good to hear Dad express his gratitude to his sister.