Cedar Street
17, 1943
I’m slow at writing again, and I
shouldn’t be when I am so anxious to hear of you. The babies are over a month old now. I hope things are quieting down a little for
you. So Jennette’s boy has red
hair. What are they going to name him? Are both the girls getting along ok? Is Burnell going to stay on the farm all
summer? When does Jennette expect to go
back. Has Pearl heard what Royce is
going to do yet. I hope she doesn’t feel
bad about his losing out as a pilot. It
may be the best thing for him. Tell one
of them to write & give us the news.
I know they must be busy tho.
It would be wonderful to come home this
summer, but we are not making any plans.
We are still paying off bills, but the end is in sight. We still owe 50. On our insurance loan, but
we are going to forget about it for a while.
Other than that we are down to $19 in Dr. bills. Harold hasn’t heard from the Navy yet, and
may not for some time.
You should see our garden Mom. It would do your heart good. We are eating beets & greens &
peas. Our radishes are all gone, and the
beans & carrots aren’t quite ready.
We also planted 12 tomato plants.
We are still getting 3 or 4 eggs every other day, & it helps out.
Mrs Muegge has 40 baby chicks, and 4
hens. She has turned her back yard into a chicken farm. She is raising them to eat. Browns too have built a chicken coop &I
have 35 baby chicks.
I have finally found out that it was
red bugs that bit us last year. You
remember they got you so bad, and the only thing that kills them is oil or
vaseline. I’ve really been bitten up
this year, but rubbing oil onto the bite kills the bug & the infection
stops almost immediately. We can’t go
out in the garden to pull vegetables without getting some. Alvin too is bothered, but Harold seems to be
immune. Guess what! I’ve got a sewing machine. Mrs Muegge gave it to me to use as long as we
are here. She wouldn’t sell it because
it was her Mothers. It works
wonderful. I guess that is why I haven’t
found time to write this week. I made a
dress & bonnet for Betty this week out of that green stripe dress I wore
last summer. It is so cool & she
looks so sweet in it. I have another
dress & bonnet in the making out of a blue check print. I’ll enclose a sample to let you see it,
& send some pictures of her in them later.
Right now she only has 3 dresses that will fit & it is too much to
wash them just to put them right back on.
They are getting worn out. I’m
going to make some simple print dresses for every day. Betty weighs 22 lbs now, but is getting to be
quite a mama’s baby. She cries if a
stranger looks at her. I believe she is
going to cut teeth any day. Today he[r]
chin had a slight rash on it, so I guess it won’t be long. She isn’t content unless she is on the floor,
altho she doesn’t crawl. She is so heavy
I don’t let her stand unless she pulls herself up in her bed. It is 4 P.M. & both of them Alvin &
Betty have been asleep since 2. The wind
is blowing this afternoon & it is nice & cool.
You should hear Alvin repeat the poem Little
Orphan Annie from start to finish.
Harold was saying it one day just for his own amusement & Alvin made
him repeat it over & over until he learned it. He puts all the expressions in it any one
could. It is the same with any other
rhyme or poem. He says so many things
now, but all too often he will talk so fast he can’t keep up with his words, so
just touches them lightly, and we have one grand time trying to understand
him. The other day he had the phone book
on the floor, & as a rule I don’t let him have it, & asked him what he
was doing with it. He was paging thru it
and said “going to call gra-ma in Salt Lake.”
Not long ago he found one of those Peacock feathers we got at the zoo
& brought to me & said “Pea cock feather, got at zoo when gra ma was
here.” Mr. Scotts 2 boys were here all
morning & he played with them till he was worn out. I guess that is why he is sleeping so well.
Harold is working regular 8 to 5 now
& has been for quite a while. I
guess it will be permanent. He is
working Sundays again for a month. He
has to work on Easter too. Strawberries
are on her, & by next week should be cheap enough to put up. I’m going to make as much jam as I can. We can’t remember when we’ve had jam. We just can’t buy it in the stores any
more. Dewberries will be on within 2
weeks too, so we have a busy time ahead.
The Relief Society sisters are going to get together & bottle beets
right after easter. They are on good
now, & they must be when we are getting beets out of our own garden.
Well, I guess that is all the news
here for now. We watch so eagerly for
your letters, and I know I should write more often. I wrote to Helen last Sun. & this is the
first one since.
May the Lord bless you Mama with
health, and strength & those things you need.
Mrs Brown’s Mother gave me patterns for Betty’s dresses & bonnets. I’m trying to get some of Alvin’s clothes
packed that he has outgrown. They are
not too good but maybe Merrill or Edna’s children can wear them a time or
two. I haven’t any room to keep them
here,. I may get them off this week.
April 18 -
wrote to Jesse this morning
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