Monday, April 14, 2014

The April 11 letter was resent 49 years ago with the April 14 letter

6806 Lemon Road
McLean Va.
April 11, 1965

Dear Mother,

The yellow forsythia is in full bloom, and the daffodills and yet spring is late in coming this year.  The Cherry-blossom festival is over, and the blossoms haven’t come out yet.  As everything come out again I remember seeing them with you last year.  As soon as we get Mike accustomed to us we must bring you back here again.  Mike needs to know you too.  He seems like a boy who has been kept in a dark room, and has suddenly been brought out to see the world of people.  He is completely honest & truthful, yet shy and frightened.  He is going to a gym class each day at the highschool and has a tutor come twice a week to the house.  We hope by fall he will have caught up enough so he can go to regular school
We haven’t heard from Jane & Ken or Lou since conference.  I’m happy Roland saw Lou, and I hope he sold him some insurance.  He doesn’t have any, and he should have, especially if he is going on a mission.  I know that for a while he wanted to get married this fall, but now he is still planning on going on a mission.  I talked to Hyrum Smith, a counslor in our ward who went to conference.  He had seen & talked with Lou, and interviewed him for his mission.  He gave him is Physical forms to fill out too.  So Lou will be coming home in about 7 weeks.  He is working in Cottonwood.  I’ve been meaning to write to Willard & Edna and ask if he couldn’t stay there until time to come home and thus save the money he is spending on housing.  Everything seems to be moving so swiftly I sometimes wonder where we are going.
Harold left a week ago today for Ephrata Washington on an emergency trip, & will be gone till after Easter.  He hopes to get to Salt Lake on his way home.  He must spend at least a day in Boise, and wants to see Gordon in Salt Lake.  Gordon hasn’t once written to Mike in the more than 2 months since he has been here.  He gets a letter from Phyliss & Carol about once a week which is good.
Harold said he would be coming home the first part of the week following Easter, but I’m not looking for him till the end of that week.  I’ve been asked to give a 7 minute talk on  Fast Sunday on how I can make fast Sunday more pleasant.  This talk is to be given the 25th.
Harold & Willy started their baseball practicing yesterday and Harold is in the Major league this year & has a suit to wear to each game.
Mr. Wilkinson has asked me to take care of Joey & Johnny again when Shelia leaves.  She will be leaving June 1st.  She wants to stay in Washington & work in an office for 2 months before going back to England.  Laurie & Alice can take care of the 2 boys this summer & earn their school clothes.
We have a new address 6806 Lemon Rd.  Most everyone in Fairfax Co. has a change of address.
I must try to get letters written to all of them tonight.

April 14, 1965
 Dear Mother,
The letter I wrote to you Sunday returned today together with the letter you wrote to us.
Tomorrow is Relief Society work meeting, and I have much to do to get ready for it.  We are making & decorating sugar Easter eggs.
Blen has this afternoon off, and he & Betty have gone to see the cherry blossoms & have left Julie with me.  She is crawling all over, getting into cupboards & pulling things out.  She will be walking in another week or two.  She will be a year old the 25th.  They moved to another apartment about 2 miles farther from us.  It has 2 bedrooms.  Julie was waking up often at night, now she sleeps thru.
I talked to Harold on the phone last night & he is going to try to get home this coming Sunday.  If he does, he will be in Salt Lake on Saturday.
I wish I had been in Salt Lake for conference.  It is too bad it costs so much to fly there.  I’ve been wondering if Lou couldn’t stay with David for these last 6 weeks till school is over.  He is still traveling between Provo and Cottonwood to go to work.
I wrote to Helen Sunday & sent a copy of an article on Utah in the Washington Post.  It said that Utah is changing & allowing things to creep in that the church has banned like buying drinks in restaurants & horse racing came before the legislature before the church went into action & killed the bill in the Senate.

We are having lovely weather here.  Mike & I went to the opening game of the Big League baseball.  The Washington Senators against Boston, & Boston won 7 to 2.  It was so warm we didn’t even need sweaters it got up to 81 degrees.  I better get this back in the mail.  
Lovingly Laura

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