Thursday, April 24, 2014

A new house and another baby on the way and another letter

                                                                                                        April 24, 1955

Dear Mother,
            It has been two weeks since we came back from Salt Lake.  We signed the papers for our house of the Tuesday we came home, and started to move on Thursday.  Harold stayed home on the Friday, to help move, and we finished on Sat. and got Chambers moved into our place too.  We some how got to church last Sunday, and Sunday School too.  Then too, our first day in the house I had morning sickness.  I was a week over, but I thought it was because I had been sick for so long.  I had such high hopes for geting this house in good working order, and fixing it up, and getting settled.  The Lord has different ideas I guess.  He doesn't give me even one minute to think of things material.  It sometimes makes me wonder if it is wrong to use our energies in trying to make things look nice around us.  No Mother, I’m not bitter, and I’m not unhappy.  I’m just tired.  I just wonder if I have the energy to keep things in running order.  I've always been so sick the first three months that nothing but the absolute essentials gets done.  I’m trying to get plenty of rest so I can maybe avoid that this time.  I don’t know whether that is possible or not.  You don’t need to say anything to anyone about it yet.  I hadn't even intended telling you, but somehow over the years no matter how far apart we have been I have felt the influence of your prayers in my behalf when I needed them, and I feel that I need them now.
            This week Amanda and Vernon Willits have had word that they will be transfered to Salt Lake, and must be there by the middle of July.  They have seemed like such a permenant part of Barnum Ward that it seems strange for them to be going away.  But then we see changes all around us all the time.

            I learned this morning that Sister Junie Smith’s sister lived in our house on Virginia for years, and that old Sister Vivian spent her first night in that house when she came to Denver over 50 years ago.  So I guess that house is older than that.  Everyone seems so happy that we have a new house.  I would like to have some new chairs for the dining room, and some livingroom furniture, but that is going to have to wait.  Abbie Shelton came into Denver this morning, and will stay with us till tomorrow morning, then continue on her way to San Antonio.  She was happy she could stop off and rest a little.  No one knows better than you what a long trip it is to make all at one time.  We are very happy to have her here too.  She got in this morning at 9:30, and we went to Sunday School.  And we all had a nap this afternoon.  Harold has gone to a Stake priesthood meeting, and I have to be to church at 5 to sing with the singing Mothers.

            Abbie is awake now and we haven’t much time so I will close.



Our address is 580 So Alcott
Telephone West 4-4933

There is another earlier letter 1949 from Jane Davidson to Laura that didn't seem appropriate for Facebook, since I had worms and Grandma seems a bit depressed, but I guess I'll post it here:

                            3112 So. 7th East Salt Lake City, Utah April 24th 1949
Dear Laura,
I was so glad to get your letter, as we were wondering how you all were, as Harold had been sick in  Salt Lake and no one had heard about you.  I hope you are all better by this time and that Jane will soon be all right.  You will have to watch her after she goes to sleep at night, about an hour after.  Take a piece of cotton with vasoline on it and wipe off her rectum.  Mary said that is what she had to do with Mary Jane.  It seems they all get them at some time.  Did you get a letter from Scotland from Elgin.  I guess yours went to Estes Park and I hope you left your address to have your mail forwarded on to you.  It is a kind of a mixed up affair but Roland and the others said they would just leave it as it is.  The thing is will they be able to send it on to you.  You might try at the Post Office in Denver and find out if they could send it to you in a money order.  They don’t know here what to do.
 [NOTE:  this letter she speaks of is concerning my inheritance from my grandparents Davidson, as grandmother has just passed away, and the home had been repaired, and they wondered if we wanted to contest the repairs.]
          Bro. Murdock at the church office said he didn’t think we could get it because of this new law that went into effect over a year ago.  He said they couldn’t send any tithing from over there, so I don’t know.  You might write some of the others and find out what they are going to do.  We haven’t heard from Pearl yet about it.  We are all well here at home.  Willards cold is better.  Helen had a headache and upset stomach Friday, and Edna has had a headache again, but they all seem fine today.  I didn’t go to Sunday School, but am going tonight as Harvey Brienholt is going to speak.  I haven’t seen many since I came home.
I haven’t seen Mother Carlson, just talked to her over the Phone.  She was worrying over Genevieve.  I saw sister DeYoung.  They took me to an open house that Sister Taylor had for Bro. Taylor’s mother.  She was 84 years old.  I saw Laxmans there & Sister Phillips and Sister Carlson down there & Bowers also Beth and Mabel [Laxman] and Norma Taylor.  I will finish when I come from Church.

25th.  Well I didn’t finish last night.  It is 7: a.m. I went to bed early as I was tired.  Harvey and his girl friend gave talks.  Harvey’s mother wasn’t there.  Bro. Brienholt offered prayer.  I met Mother Carlson and Ruth and a few others.  It looked as if some never missed me.  I guess that’s how it is when one gets old, and inactive in the church.  I haven’t done much since I came home.  I have to crochet a shawl for Mary so I better get started.  I would like to come and stay with the children and if Pearl and Royce comes I will see them and then go on to Denver.  I guess I can keep things going for a week or two then you will be around again, but I can’t keep everything going.  I mean the washing and ironing and you know, I just get tired doing nothing, and don’t care to go much. Jennette expects a baby in October. I guess she will come down here. She doesn’t say anything about her affairs any more.  I don’t know if they have chickens any more, she never says.  Now I better stop and get a little breakfast.  I hear them moving around.  Well bye by and do write soon and hope you are all well and that Harold has found a garden space.  It seems a shame that nothing is planted in our yard, but I can’t help it.  Lots of love to you all from Mother.

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