Monday, May 19, 2014

Catch up May 3 thru May 17 1942

                                                                                                                                 May 3, 1942

Dear Mother,
            The weeks and months are slipping by, and Sunday will be Mother’s day again.  I am just realizing that it will be the first Mothers day I have not been able to put my arms around you and say “Thank You” for giving me the privilege to live.  So I am saying it in this letter.  We will miss being with you but we want you to be happy in the thought that we are thinking of you.  The principals of the Gospel you taught to your children are being carried all over the country, and in time possibly the world.
            Daniel writes & tells me not to get homesick, but I am not homesick.  I am happy here: It is so beautiful, the weather is grand most of the time & I feel so much better.  But I do miss you very much.  I believe that if it were only for my health that we were sent down here, that it was in answer to our prayers.  I’m getting brown as a berry, & have actually some color in my cheeks.  We were walking down by the river again this eve., and watched a dog or more boys swimming.  The water really looks inviting.  We can’t realize it is only May.  The flowers are so beautiful.                                                                                                                          
            Do you know yet when you are going to Roland’s?  You’ll have to have Helen write & tell us all that is going on, about you & Royce & Pearl, & everyone else, if you are busy, and I’m sure you must be.  Hope the housecleaning is all done by now too.
            We went down to see our landlady tonight about painting the kitchens & bath, it is the first time we've had the courage, and she was as nice as pie, & didn't even question it.  It is going to be done right away.  It does need it badly, & it may help us get rid of the ants & roaches too.  The frig is certainly a blessing.  I've really never used one all the time before, and I enjoy it so much.  The claim agent was out this morning, & told me to go ahead & have anyone we want refinish it, and they would pay the bill.
            I went to register for sugar today, & the schools were so full they wouldn't even let me in.  Told me to come back Wed. or Thurs.  There’s really a lot of people in this town.
            Hugh B. Brown has been here for a short time.  He was at our picnic Sat. night, & they turned all the time of fast meeting over to him.  He has been made mission pres. of all the boys in camps all over the country, & there are half a doz. or more camps here.  The people here were very glad to have him with them for a short time, and were so anxious to hear him speak.  Perhaps you remember that he had a son lost in the R.A.F.[Royal Air Force] just before I left home.
            Harold’s shift has been changed again.  I hope this time they are settled.  They work from 6:30 AM till 3:00 PM for seven weeks, and I put up their lunch at night, & they get up & get their own breakfast in the morning.  Alvin has still been waking at 6:30, but perhaps after a few days will get used to sleeping longer.  After the seven weeks is up they will work from 3:00 to 11:30 PM.
            I want to write to Harold’s mother tonight too, but don’t know whether I’ll make it.  We all send our love to you,
                        Laura, Harold and Alvin.

P.S.  Alvin can say Grandma.
            Harold forgot to take your letter this morning and I just got one from Sister Carlson.  She says Dad has been in bed for 3 weeks & seems so discouraged.  The Dr hasn't given him any encouragement either, & she says that he cries all the time because he doesn't think he will see us again.
            She said he didn't want us to know that he wasn't well, but if you see Sister Carlson tell her that we pray for both of them every day.  I know he will get well if he doesn't let his mind dwell on his illness, and will keep it free from worry about finances.  With the war we have all got to live more simply, and there is no use worrying because we haven’t got something our neighbor has.  I know that you can give them a word of encouragement much better than I can, perhaps in a few days I can write another letter to them.
            I've been going to tell you that I have some one to do my washing.  Mrs. Shelton who lives just a block from us, the one who calls for me to go to Relief Society washes them, & in turn uses my washer & lines to do hers on.  I furnish soap one week, & she the next.  She has two boys one 14 & one 17.  Her husband is with the army in St. Louis.  She is here now, & is nearly thru, & it isn't 10.  Harold finally got some good lines put up, so we manage fine.  The only thing is that I haven’t any tubs yet, & have to rinse them in the bath tub.  That is the main reason I was unable to do the washing myself.  I only tried it once.  Today you give your lesson again, & I know you will give it good.  It is women like you they need to give those lessons.
            I wish I had the money to send you for a new suitcase, but we can’t make it yet.  Those people I thought might bring yours didn't know yet whether they are going or not so I can’t depend on them.
            May the Lord bless you Mother, & may you have a safe & enjoyable trip to Roland’s.
With Love
                                                                        3112 So 7th East
                                                                        Salt Lake City
                                                                        May 4th  42.

Did you read about the airplain crashing just north of Ensign Peak.  17 persons were killed everything was burned.

My dear Laura,
            Just got your letter and am very glad.  I was longing to hear from you.  I am glad the fridge got there all right. Where do you keep it?  Well Laura things are moving fast around here that I don’t know where I am at.  Royce came here Sat. Forenoon it was Pearl’s day off so she was glad.  They want to be married on the 14th of May and I will have to leave right after to go to Burns. I really don’t know yet what they are going to do.  Helen & Mont moved down here Thursday & Friday so with cleaning and moving and thinking of a wedding it seems to be a little too much. I couldn't sleep last night;.  What do you think of it all.  I don’t know if Pearl will get her vacation or not.  I think they will go out to the farm at Taylorsville to stay as Royce will work on the farm until he is called. He has to report on the 17th of May.  Anyway we will let you know what they are going to do.  You were saying you had it so hot down there, well we could stand a little of it as it is so cold here. I put on the furnace this morning and my feet are cold now.  It has been real cold for nearly a week.  And rain and hail and snow.  Willard has not been well for a few days.  His stomach is troubling him.  I hope it isn't appendicitis.  I will call and see how he is today.  I just called to see how Willard was and Dawn answered the phone.  She said her Daddy was over at Jack Hardy’s house working, so I guess he is feeling better.  I guess he did not feel well enough to go to work.  Helen has gone to town.  I am glad that you have nice neighbors.  You may do much good there in telling about the church.  Jesse seems to be enjoying his work, but his companion has not been well so I am wondering how he is.  All the neighbors are well as far as I know.  I told you about Marjorie Brienholt Nelson having a baby girl.  Sis. Laxman just called.  She wanted me to come for lunch Wed. but that is my lesson day so I can’t go.  I will have to study my lesson.  We have not changed your R.S. or Era address yet and they have been coming here.  We forget all the time.  I have been once in town since you left and only been to the ward  and no where else.  Helen & Mont wanted to take me to a show Sat. evening but I didn't go.
            I don’t know what I will do for a living now.  I have depended on my children for so long that I have got old without knowing it, and now when I am left in the lurch it is hard to take.  Only the Lord will help me see some way, even if I have to marry some old codger with lots of money.
            I will come down and stay with you when the baby comes, but not to stay 3 months.  I think I can stand the heat after all this cold.  If only the basement was cleaned I wouldn't worry so much.  Do you know your air mail letter wasn't sealed and came open all the way but it was o.k. and the check was o.k.  I will get Pearl to pay the Star then they will all be paid, and I am sure you will be glad.  Be careful of your eats and do your walking and scrubbing but not to much.  Love from us all to Harold & Alvins. We will be glad to get the pictures.  
                                                            Lovingly,  Mother 

[Postmarked May 9, 1942]

Mrs. Jane S. Davidson
requests the pleasure of your company at the
wedding reception of her daughter
and Mr. Royce S. Bringhurst
Thursday evening, May the fourteenth
nineteen hundred forty-two
eight to ten-thirty
3112 South 7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah
Married in Salt Lake Temple

                                                                        3112 So 7th East
                                                                        Salt Lake City Ut.
                                                                        May 17, 42

Will give you more news next time and do write soon.

Dear Laura and Harold,
            I guess you think I have forgotten you but I haven’t.  With the wedding and going to the temple and getting ready to go to Rolands, I have been on the rush for two weeks and I am really tired.  The wedding was just like yours everybody seemed happy, and Pearl looked nice in your dress.  We had it cleaned and it looked like new.  She got some lovely gifts.  They will tell you all about them when they write or maybe I will have to tell you about it when I come.  I am leaving for Roland’s tomorrow, will be there Tuesday so answer my letters there.  Hope you are all fine and still liking it where you are.  I haven’t written to any of them since I wrote to you. Jesse will think he is deserted, poor kid. Do write to him often.  His birthday is on the 29th so write to him. Thanks a lot for what you sent to help out, also for the candy for Mother’s day. Ardis Jones Willowby had a little girl yesterday, and are fine. Now my dear children I won’t write more now.  I am rushed and want to do a hundred things today.  I have lots to tell you but won’t take time now.  Harold’s Dad isn't feeling so well.  They couldn't come to the wedding but Jean was here helping serve.  Pearl had her Sunday school kids all here, some helped and some didn't.  Now I will close with love to you & Harold and a big hug for Alvin. 
            Lovingly, Mother

P.S. Jennette & baby came down.  They go back Wed. they are fine.  Later,  I have just been up to see Bro Carlson.  He says he is feeling better.  Sister Carlson told me she got a bawling out from sister Van Dam for telling you that I had to hear from Texas that Lillieth was married, but never mind;.  She just has to jump on someone. J.D.

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