Wednesday, April 2, 2014

back in 1942 in San Antonio

                                                                        April 2, 1942
                                                                        643 Cedar St.

Dear Mom,
            It is so good to hear from you.  Your letters brighten the whole day.  I suppose now that you are alone again you do have a little more time, but don’t go working so hard.  Take time out to visit your friends, there’ll always be work to do.
            I can hardly believe that the time has passed so quickly.  Sunday is Easter and I’m not even sending you a card.  I’m sending a dollar tho so you can buy something you want.  I hope you have got your dress out, and make sure you wear it.  Your new hat & dress will make you feel 10 years younger, and everyone needs a new dress at least every half doz. years anyway.  I do hope you have a nice time on Easter tho, and that the weather is so that you can get out.
            We are getting used to the changing weather, and are better able to regulate the heat in the house too.  Alvin got over his cold ok, but I just have to watch him all the time.  When you said you missed him when you went to put on the furnace I nearly bawled my eyes out.  The first cry I’ve had.  But the way he used to want to go downstairs every time any one else went down, is how he wants to go outside.  And when he is in his high chair & has a piece of bread he doesn’t want he hold it up & looks around for Muggs, and trys to say “Speak” like he did at home.
            Yesterday I took out our family picture of the girls, & you were the only one he knew.  He kept pointing to your picture saying something, goodness knows what.
            Alvin is still eating as well as when he was home, and I haven’t had a minutes trouble with his toilet.  He is as regular as the day.  I too am feeling fine, the climate seems to make me feel much better.  We take a long walk every afternoon.  I pull Alvin in the wagon till it is nearly time to go home again, so I can walk briskly, then let Alvin walk maybe a block so he can get his exercise.
            We got a letter from Sister Carlson Mon. and she said that Dewaine Oldham got married.  I wonder how Sister Oldham feels about it.  I know she only met the girl about a month before I left home.  How is the Relief Society coming?  Have they a new counselor yet?  They were turned down on Sister F._____ because she was on a Stake Board.  I know your lesson Wed. must have been good.  I missed your lesson.  We have our R.S. on Wed evening at 7:30, & I went last night.  There is a Sister Shelton living on the same street as we do within a block, and she called for me.  We went in another Sister’s car.  The lesson was good, and the Spirit there too, but there was not enough scripture used, and they tried to reason things out thru their own thoughts.  I can see where I’ve got to keep up on the lesson, & give it a good going over before meeting comes around again.
            I haven’t written to Jesse yet, but I intend to soon.  He wrote to me quite often at home, & I’d like to continue hearing from him.  You said Mont went to work.  Where is he working?  I wish he could get something steady.
            Reed Clinger is still with us, altho in fear of being called every day.  Today a card came asking him to report today for a physical exam, but I couldn’t get in touch with him so I called the Draft Board, & they postponed the exam until tomorrow which is his day off.  So, he may not be with us much longer.  It has been nice having him here altho it does make a difference, but he has fit himself to our household very well.
            It seems strange that it could still be so cold up there that you would need the furnace on.  It has been so pleasant here that you find it hard to think of cold weather again.
            Mother Carlson said that Dad is feeling much better than when I left.  She said that when everything runs smoothly he feels good, but when things go wrong he is right down again.  It is strange how worry can upset a person’s physical well being.
            I was sorry to hear that Sister DeYoung has been down.  That Lumbago usually hits her pretty hard doesn’t it.  I guess you will all shout hurrah when the good old sun starts shining steady again.  It can take a lot of the kinks out of the joints anyway.  They say that this has been the coldest winter down here for years, & with all this glorious sunshine they are all complaining about the cold.  It feels pretty good to us tho after all the cold we had.
            The ants are still as bad as ever, altho I’m finding out what people do to keep them off.  The lady next door has a 10 month baby, & she said to keep them off the baby bed she got some tape called hoo doo tape, & put it around the bottom of the bed & the ants won’t cross it.  It looks like ordinary white tape, & isn’t sticky either.  Mrs. Brown, the lady next door said that she ties a piece around the table legs & around the legs of the stove, & they don’t climb up them, and her food she puts in a container & then inside a pan of water, & the ants won’t go thru the water either.  Boy, we don’t know how lucky we are in Salt Lake when it comes to bugs.  I suppose I’ll get used to them, and be able to combat them as well as anyone else before long.  I’m going to try to get the land lady to paint the bath, bedroom & kitchen tho and I think that will help more than anything.
            Harold likes his work, but not as well as teaching.  They have been working 8:30 to 5:30, but starting last Sun. they now get off at 10 mins. to 5.  That gives them a little more time in the eve to rest.  All 4 of the boys have to work this coming Sun. Easter Sun.  I think I’ll invite them all to dinner, & then we can all go to church together.  Alan & Milton Jorgenson are rooming together about 2 blocks from here, paying $40 per month for board & room.  There is a war on here now over high rents, and we think ours is quite reasonable especially when we have no light bill or fuel bill.
            Alvin was in bed for 2 hrs this morning & didn’t sleep a wink.  He just lay talking to himself.  I think we’ll walk to town and mail this letter.
            Take care of yourself Mother until we see you.  I’d like you to plan on visiting us for 2 or 3 months this summer & fall.  It won’t hurt us to plan anyway.
            God bless you Mother, all three of us miss you more than we can say.
            With love, and a wish for a Happy Easter.  
                        Your Children, Laura, Harold & Alvin

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