Monday, September 1, 2014

September entries in Laura Davidson's Journal 1937

Wed. Sept. 1, 1937

Its 10:30 P.M. & I just can’t imagine where the day has gone.  Cleaned kitchen & front room this morning gave the cat a bath, finished working my green table cloth & windmill tea towel.  Don came down and copied some poems & bought some lotion.  He feels a little better than he did, but I still don’t intend to go out with him.  God supper ready & the rest of family.  J. H. & Dan went to meeting at ward.  I washed my clothes, put up hair & took bath.  Wrote a short not to Mom sent $2.00 & then wrote to Johny - And then to bed. 

Thurs Sept 2

Lost 3 lbs since I have been back to work.  Can’t imagine why.  Doesn't make me feel any too good.  On top of it Jennette has to take 3 weeks off because of her health, and the bills are still coming in.  I personally am $55.00 in the hole, and at the rate I am paying them it will take 3 months to get them paid.  I only hope I can get them paid in that time.  Got another letter from Johny today, & finally broke down & wrote to him.  Didn't say much only told him not to expect to marry me in a year.  Came home tonight & Bishop & Sis. De Young were here.  Then Dan & Bob T. & Bob M. took me down to 33rd & we got a malted milk came back to Crofts & got a fudgecicle to take malt taste away.  Came back & sewed till 11:00.  Bed a little after __.

Fri Sept 3 -

Roland Fillmore Davidson 8 1/2 lb born at 4:15 A.M. Lois feeling fine.  Telegram came about 8:30.  Glad to know its here.  Kathryn’s wedding day.  Just family were invited.  Helen had a meeting & Jennette was tired.  Dan & Jess went up canyon so I went to ward show alone.  With all the people in the ward it should never be a lonely place but it sometimes is.

Sat Sept 4 -

Worked.  Came home on hours off & made a small tea towel, home, tired hungry, & lonesome again. Sewed a little then to bed at 10:00.

Sun Sept 5

Conference Sun.  Jr. S. S. held as usual. Was very good.  I taught them a marching song, & told a story of Brigett & the bees.  Visited with Mary Rees A. for a few minutes.  She seems to look worse every time I see her.  I do hope she gets well.  Worked 1 to 10. Fixed a hurried lunch, & was off at 10.  Don & Alt Jenkins & Sylvia (don’t know her last name) met me.  Verd & Ream & Mike Masuka were in car & all rode home with me.  Or I should say, took me home in spite of all I've said to Don.  Seems like he never says quit.  Home at 10:30. Jennette & Alan came soon after.  Jennette went up to stay with Edna.  Bed at 11:00 for me.  Labor day tomorrow and I have to work.

Mon. Sept 6

Labor day, & I worked 9 to 9.  Helen cleaned house all day.  Jennette went gadding with Ila Mary, & Dan & Jesse went up the canyon.  I sewed most of the afternoon, then wrote a short letter to Mom.  Sure be glad when she gets back.  Picked up a book of Mother’s a few days ago. “Love & the Light” by Whitney & have been reading it.  Most of it is simple enough for me to catch the full meaning the author intended it to give, contains beautiful uplifting thots.  Contains principles of living we have always believed.  Hope to finish it & reread many times. [What is love?  Can experience define it?  Love is mightier than wrong.  Can the lesser bind the greater?  Can the brook impress the ocean?]

Tues Sept 7 -

School started today, & I saw Miss Lindquist going at 7:30 this morning.  Came home. Did a little sewing, pulled some carrots, peeled them, went back to town.  Met Sis. Carlson on streetcar.  She says Harold is no longer D.P. but chief interpreter for Swedish mission.  I paid light bill then back to work.  Read more of Love & the Light until my eyes ache.  It gets a little two deep for me at times but I can still understand the general trend.
Got some soup & ice cream for Helen & I for supper.  Helen wasn’t feeling very well.  Wrote a letter to Bertha Ebert after 10:30 a.m. writing this at 11.  My eyes won’t stay open. [Got a letter from Johny.  He still hasn't received my letter.]

Wed, Sept 8

I feel restless tonight.  The same restless feeling I have had for a year.  I’m not making any progress in anything.  I’m always going to do the thing better next time, but the next time I never have enough time to do it well.  Like writing in my diary, I’ll take time to word it properly and write neatly tomorrow.  Oh, if I could only learn that tomorrow never comes.  That we live only the todays.
The Gleaner party at Morgans was very successful.  Apricot ice cream (1 qt milk, 1 pt cream 2 cups sugar - 1 qt strained apricots juice of 3 lemons) delicious.
Somethings lacking in me.  I don’t seem to mix with the girls as I used too.  I think their joking is uninteresting - Is it that I am alone too much, and let myself think too much along serious lines.  It sees as tho I’m groping for something just beyond my reach.  Everyone needs companionship.  I have neither girl nor boy companion.  I’m just now realizing the ill effects such a condition has on a person.  Whether it is that condition alone that is causing the restless feeling I don’t know.  I just know I’m looking for something - that is lacking in me.
Bed at 12: M tonight.

Thurs Sept 9

What a busy day, getting ready for a party for Marja.  Made Jello salad, & a cake.  Cake wasn’t very good so made another one.  Both tasted grand but first one didn’t look so good.  Cleaned house then visited with Mary All‑ for a little while.  She still isn’t feeling very well.  She gave me three bunches of flowers to decorate the house.  18 present at party.  Everything went off fine.  Dan helped me in kitchen with ice cream & salad.
Days have been flying by with no regard for anyone.  It is Sept. 16 & nothing written since the 9th. 

Sept. 10 - Helens birthday.  Bishop & wife, May Wid & Edna down for supper.  Helen got roses from Mont, & a scotty dog.  Went to show afer with Berdine Gwen & Maxine.
Sept 11- Don Lund called & wanted me to go to Old Mill.  Said I would go then got angry at Don because he didn’t [want to take care of Edna’s baby for me so I stayed home from Old Mill and tended baby]  Albert Gygle is home from mission.
Sept 12 - [Wid and Edna took me riding and we bought two bushes of peaches and ½ bushel] of grapes.  Don Lund called & [wanted me to go to the] missionary [meeting] but I was writing to Mom & didn’t want to go.
Sept. 13. Put up grape juice on hours off.
Sept. 14  Day off.  Put up 47 qts peaches 1 bu. Took all day - took bath got dressed Shurink came at 7:00 [Went down to his place to discuss Sunday School typing with Mrs] Sax & got home.  About 7:30. Mutual opened. [with a good program and a dance] Had fun at dance but felt old.  Earl R. walked home with me talked till 11:00.
Sept 15  Dead tired today.  Put up 11 pts grape jam today.  Pealed 2 buckets peaches all on hours off.  Have read “Chester Lawerence” by Nephi Anderson in meantime. & have started “Forever Free” novel of Abraham Lincoln - can’t remember author now.  Bed at 10:30.

Thursday Sept 16, Just another working day.  Came home on hours off intending to put up peach jam, but it took so long to boil that in the meantime I got interested in Forever Free, & couldn’t leave it alone.  Jennette was putting the jam in bottles when I got home tonight.  The book was opened again till 10:.  Bed at 10:30.

Fri Sept 17 - Came home at noon & peeled more peaches for Jam.  Then sat down & read more of “Forever Free.”  Back to work, & home at 8:30.  Strange, yet familiar car in front of house.  Royce’s.  I knew Pearl was home.  Dogone happy about it too.  Marja’s weding.  Went over with Pearl & Royce for few minutes.  Home again to read a few more pages.  Feel “kinda” lonesome tonight.  Wondering what it’s all about.  Bed 10:30

Sat. Sept. 18.  Don Lund called several days ago requesting Jennette to have me hold Sat night for him.  A Dance or something.  I couldn’t get in touch with him, & he didn’t come so I considered myself stuffed.  Went for a walk around the block & had a good cry.  Felt much better, & slept like a top.

Sun. Sept 19. Special fast Sun. for social security program.  Jr. S.S. went very nicely. Taught them marching song over again.  Got about $5.00 for fast donations.  Didn’t stay for regular fast meeting but went down to Mary Rees’s.  S. DeYoung was staying with her & we talked till meeting was out.  Mary isn't much better, in fact she seems to be loosing strength rapidly.  She has suffered so much she is almost ready to give up.  I went home & fixed dinner.  Ate about 4:o’clock went hunting for Pears with Wid & Edna & came back with a bu of grapes.  We all ate too many grapes & peaches then.  To top it off had an ice cream cone.  Church - wonderful.  S. Melba Lindsay Burton gave musical Duet song. “Teach me to Pray” & “If I knew you & you knew me,” 2 sons I love.  Pearl & Clair & I went to Farrs stand got ice cream cone then hamburger.  I suppose I’ll be sick, but sometimes its worth it.  Bed at 10:00.

Mon. Sept 20 -

Put up 7 qts grape juice on hours off today.  Jennette went to Miss Riddlies funeral.  Got a letter from Mom.  She is worrying about all of us, & is homesick too.  I wrote back, & sent $2. To her too.  They are worse than broke up there.  Mailed a letter to Johny that I wrote Sat. afternoon, & one to Mont for Helen.  Have renewed my efforts on my cutwork cloth, also got extravagant Plus, and bought a cut work tablecloth & a dozen napkins. $14.00  Maybe some day I’ll learn to get out of debt and stay out-Maybe-I hope. 
It is good to have Pearl back with us.  She makes the house ring with her music.  She has a way of making everyone else in the house want to sing.  Bed at 10:45 P.M.

Tuesday, Sept 21

This morning while putting up grape juice Eleanor Reese came over & asked me to call Mr. Allermand & tell him Mary died.  It was such a shock I couldn't speak.  I remember old Sis. Klinginberg  died with cancer when I was very small.  She suffered just as Mary has suffered.  But I’m glad she died in her sleep.  Got a letter from Winnie today.  Also Bullitin from University.  Only one person could have sent that.  I’m sorry I can’t accept his kindness.  Wrote a letter to Mom tonight before Mutual then went to Mutual.  Gleaner class is very promising.  Bob Lame & Bud Jack took me to Laura Larsen’s for malt.  Bob got turned in for swinging into some people crossing 21st.  Bought 2 bags of popcorn & ate on way home.  Bed. 11:00 P.M.

Wednesday, Sept 22

On hours off went thru my trunk & repacked all my linen.  Put most of it on rolls so it wouldn’t crack.
Went to Sylvia Riches wedding with Helen tonight.  She was beautiful.  White lace dress, white rose buds, & a finger point veil.  It was held in place by orange blossoms.  The wedding was in the upstairs of the Jensen home.  Bed 11:00 P.M.  The old flannel night gown feels good tonight.

Thurs. Sept 23

It may be fall, but it surely feels like winter.  I went to the Lion House opening night tonight.  Such an atmosphere of peace was there.  Saw many interesting things & people.  Bed 11:P.M.
 Wed. Sept. 1, 1937

Its 10:30 P.M. & I just can’t imagine where the day has gone.  Cleaned kitchen & front room this morning gave the cat a bath, finished working my green table cloth & windmill tea towel.  Don came down and copied some poems & bought some lotion.  He feels a little better than he did, but I still don’t intend to go out with him.  God supper ready & the rest of family.  J. H. & Dan went to meeting at ward.  I washed my clothes, put up hair & took bath.  Wrote a short not to Mom sent $2.00 & then wrote to Johny - And then to bed. 

Thurs Sept 2

Lost 3 lbs since I have been back to work.  Can’t imagine why.  Doesn’t make me feel any too good.  On top of it Jennette has to take 3 weeks off because of her health, and the bills are still coming in.  I personally am $55.00 in the hole, and at the rate I am paying them it will take 3 months to get them paid.  I only hope I can get them paid in that time.  Got another letter from Johny today, & finally broke down & wrote to him.  Didn’t say much only told him not to expect to marry me in a year.  Came home tonight & Bishop & Sis. De Young were here.  Then Dan & Bob T. & Bob M. took me down to 33rd & we got a malted milk came back to Crofts & got a fudgecicle to take malt taste away.  Came back & sewed till 11:00.  Bed a little after __.

Fri Sept 3 -

Roland Fillmore Davidson 8 1/2 lb born at 4:15 A.M. Lois feeling fine.  Telegram came about 8:30.  Glad to know its here.  Kathryn’s wedding day.  Just family were invited.  Helen had a meeting & Jennette was tired.  Dan & Jess went up canyon so I went to ward show alone.  With all the people in the ward it should never be a lonely place but it sometimes is.

Sat Sept 4 -

Worked.  Came home on hours off & made a small tea towel, home, tired hungry, & lonesome again. Sewed a little then to bed at 10:00.

Sun Sept 5

Conference Sun.  Jr. S. S. held as usual. Was very good.  I taught them a marching song, & told a story of Brigett & the bees.  Visited with Mary Rees A. for a few minutes.  She seems to look worse every time I see her.  I do hope she gets well.  Worked 1 to 10. Fixed a hurried lunch, & was off at 10.  Don & Alt Jenkins & Sylvia (don’t know her last name) met me.  Verd & Ream & Mike Masuka were in car & all rode home with me.  Or I should say, took me home in spite of all I’ve said to Don.  Seems like he never says quit.  Home at 10:30. Jennette & Alan came soon after.  Jennette went up to stay with Edna.  Bed at 11:00 for me.  Labor day tomorrow and I have to work.

Mon. Sept 6

Labor day, & I worked 9 to 9.  Helen cleaned house all day.  Jennette went gadding with Ila Mary, & Dan & Jesse went up the canyon.  I sewed most of the afternoon, then wrote a short letter to Mom.  Sure be glad when she gets back.  Picked up a book of Mother’s a few days ago. “Love & the Light” by Whitney & have been reading it.  Most of it is simple enough for me to catch the full meaning the author intended it to give, contains beautiful uplifting thots.  Contains principles of living we have always believed.  Hope to finish it & reread many times. [What is love?  Can experience define it?  Love is mightier than wrong.  Can the lesser bind the greater?  Can the brook impress the ocean?]

Tues Sept 7 -

School started today, & I saw Miss Lindquist going at 7:30 this morning.  Came home. Did a little sewing, pulled some carrots, peeled them, went back to town.  Met Sis. Carlson on streetcar.  She says Harold is no longer D.P. but chief interpreter for Swedish mission.  I paid light bill then back to work.  Read more of Love & the Light until my eyes ache.  It gets a little two deep for me at times but I can still understand the general trend.
Got some soup & ice cream for Helen & I for supper.  Helen wasn’t feeling very well.  Wrote a letter to Bertha Ebert after 10:30 a.m. writing this at 11.  My eyes won’t stay open. [Got a letter from Johny.  He still hasn’t received my letter.]

Wed, Sept 8

I feel restless tonight.  The same restless feeling I have had for a year.  I’m not making any progress in anything.  I’m always going to do the thing better next time, but the next time I never have enough time to do it well.  Like writing in my diary, I’ll take time to word it properly and write neatly tomorrow.  Oh, if I could only learn that tomorrow never comes.  That we live only the todays.
The Gleaner party at Morgans was very successful.  Apricot ice cream (1 qt milk, 1 pt cream 2 cups sugar - 1 qt strained apricots juice of 3 lemons) delicious.
Somethings lacking in me.  I don’t seem to mix with the girls as I used too.  I think their joking is uninteresting - Is it that I am alone too much, and let myself think too much along serious lines.  It sees as tho I’m groping for something just beyond my reach.  Everyone needs companionship.  I have neither girl nor boy companion.  I’m just now realizing the ill effects such a condition has on a person.  Whether it is that condition alone that is causing the restless feeling I don’t know.  I just know I’m looking for something - that is lacking in me.
Bed at 12: M tonight.

Thurs Sept 9

What a busy day, getting ready for a party for Marja.  Made Jello salad, & a cake.  Cake wasn’t very good so made another one.  Both tasted grand but first one didn’t look so good.  Cleaned house then visited with Mary All‑ for a little while.  She still isn’t feeling very well.  She gave me three bunches of flowers to decorate the house.  18 present at party.  Everything went off fine.  Dan helped me in kitchen with ice cream & salad.
Days have been flying by with no regard for anyone.  It is Sept. 16 & nothing written since the 9th. 

Sept. 10 - Helens birthday.  Bishop & wife, May Wid & Edna down for supper.  Helen got roses from Mont, & a scotty dog.  Went to show afer with Berdine Gwen & Maxine.
Sept 11- Don Lund called & wanted me to go to Old Mill.  Said I would go then got angry at Don because he didn’t [want to take care of Edna’s baby for me so I stayed home from Old Mill and tended baby]  Albert Gygle is home from mission.
Sept 12 - [Wid and Edna took me riding and we bought two bushes of peaches and ½ bushel] of grapes.  Don Lund called & [wanted me to go to the] missionary [meeting] but I was writing to Mom & didn’t want to go.
Sept. 13. Put up grape juice on hours off.
Sept. 14  Day off.  Put up 47 qts peaches 1 bu. Took all day - took bath got dressed Shurink came at 7:00 [Went down to his place to discuss Sunday School typing with Mrs] Sax & got home.  About 7:30. Mutual opened. [with a good program and a dance] Had fun at dance but felt old.  Earl R. walked home with me talked till 11:00.
Sept 15  Dead tired today.  Put up 11 pts grape jam today.  Pealed 2 buckets peaches all on hours off.  Have read “Chester Lawerence” by Nephi Anderson in meantime. & have started “Forever Free” novel of Abraham Lincoln - can’t remember author now.  Bed at 10:30.

Thursday Sept 16, Just another working day.  Came home on hours off intending to put up peach jam, but it took so long to boil that in the meantime I got interested in Forever Free, & couldn’t leave it alone.  Jennette was putting the jam in bottles when I got home tonight.  The book was opened again till 10:.  Bed at 10:30.

Fri Sept 17 - Came home at noon & peeled more peaches for Jam.  Then sat down & read more of “Forever Free.”  Back to work, & home at 8:30.  Strange, yet familiar car in front of house.  Royce’s.  I knew Pearl was home.  Dogone happy about it too.  Marja’s weding.  Went over with Pearl & Royce for few minutes.  Home again to read a few more pages.  Feel “kinda” lonesome tonight.  Wondering what it’s all about.  Bed 10:30

Sat. Sept. 18.  Don Lund called several days ago requesting Jennette to have me hold Sat night for him.  A Dance or something.  I couldn’t get in touch with him, & he didn’t come so I considered myself stuffed.  Went for a walk around the block & had a good cry.  Felt much better, & slept like a top.

Sun. Sept 19. Special fast Sun. for social security program.  Jr. S.S. went very nicely. Taught them marching song over again.  Got about $5.00 for fast donations.  Didn’t stay for regular fast meeting but went down to Mary Rees’s.  S. DeYoung was staying with her & we talked till meeting was out.  Mary isn’t much better, in fact she seems to be loosing strength rapidly.  She has suffered so much she is almost ready to give up.  I went home & fixed dinner.  Ate about 4:o’clock went hunting for Pears with Wid & Edna & came back with a bu of grapes.  We all ate too many grapes & peaches then.  To top it off had an ice cream cone.  Church - wonderful.  S. Melba Lindsay Burton gave musical Duet song. “Teach me to Pray” & “If I knew you & you knew me,” 2 sons I love.  Pearl & Clair & I went to Farrs stand got ice cream cone then hamburger.  I suppose I’ll be sick, but sometimes its worth it.  Bed at 10:00.

Mon. Sept 20 -

Put up 7 qts grape juice on hours off today.  Jennette went to Miss Riddlies funeral.  Got a letter from Mom.  She is worrying about all of us, & is homesick too.  I wrote back, & sent $2. To her too.  They are worse than broke up there.  Mailed a letter to Johny that I wrote Sat. afternoon, & one to Mont for Helen.  Have renewed my efforts on my cutwork cloth, also got extravagant Plus, and bought a cut work tablecloth & a dozen napkins. $14.00  Maybe some day I’ll learn to get out of debt and stay out-Maybe-I hope. 
It is good to have Pearl back with us.  She makes the house ring with her music.  She has a way of making everyone else in the house want to sing.  Bed at 10:45 P.M.

Tuesday, Sept 21

This morning while putting up grape juice Eleanor Reese came over & asked me to call Mr. Allermand & tell him Mary died.  It was such a shock I couldn't speak.  I remember old Sis. Klinginberg  died with cancer when I was very small.  She suffered just as Mary has suffered.  But I’m glad she died in her sleep.  Got a letter from Winnie today.  Also Bullitin from University.  Only one person could have sent that.  I’m sorry I can’t accept his kindness.  Wrote a letter to Mom tonight before Mutual then went to Mutual.  Gleaner class is very promising.  Bob Lame & Bud Jack took me to Laura Larsen’s for malt.  Bob got turned in for swinging into some people crossing 21st.  Bought 2 bags of popcorn & ate on way home.  Bed. 11:00 P.M.

Wednesday, Sept 22

On hours off went thru my trunk & repacked all my linen.  Put most of it on rolls so it wouldn't crack.
Went to Sylvia Riches wedding with Helen tonight.  She was beautiful.  White lace dress, white rose buds, & a finger point veil.  It was held in place by orange blossoms.  The wedding was in the upstairs of the Jensen home.  Bed 11:00 P.M.  The old flannel night gown feels good tonight.

Thurs. Sept 23

It may be fall, but it surely feels like winter.  I went to the Lion House opening night tonight.  Such an atmosphere of peace was there.  Saw many interesting things & people.  Bed 11:P.M.

1 comment:

  1. Love these journal entries! Some days go by so quickly. Love daily details.
