Monday, May 26, 2014

Wedding lists

                                                                                 May 27, 1963
                                                                                 5912  Lemon Rd
Dear Mother,
            The time whizzes by, and I don’t get any letters written.  Harold had his tonsils out, and I had a sore throat at the same time.  He is back in school now, and feeling fine.  The weather has been very cool lately, for which we are very thankful.  When it is cool we are able to get some rest.  When it is hot it seems that no one rests.
            I finished Betty’s wedding dress last Sat. and haven’t one for myself yet.  I don’t seem able to find a decent one in the stores.  I am still working, and will up till the day before we leave.  When I went to work today our 2 cashiers were out, one of them not coming back at all, and it was putting us in a terrible hole.  I called Betty, and she came and cashiered for us, and will till school is out.  It lets out June 13, the day we leave for Salt Lake.  They have to go back just for report cards that day.
            I wish I could help Helen with the wedding plans.  It seems to take all our time and energy to get things done here.  Tell Helen I will send her some money next week.  I am inclosing $2.00 for the wedding present for Lynn.  I’m sorry I didn’t get it sent sooner.
            We are bringing Cathy Shurtleff with us.  She is Laurie’s age & will stay with the Aunts or Uncles.
            Helen–can you send me names I’ve forgotten.  I have the following

May Jones Gale          Ray Hemingway         Does Herbert Biesinger live on 33rd So.?
Fay Fawson                 Ruth Laxman
Theo                            Margret Thompson     The DeYoungs, and the relatives.
Thayer Barrowes        Vern Grow                  We have Kathryn etc.  We don’t have young
L Natter                      Orson Clark                Roland’s address.  Who have we forgotten?  We are
James Telford             Lynn Dudly                 sending one to Mother Toronto, but don’t know 
 Marden Despain        Elmer Larsen              any of the others well enough.
Dean Rasmussen        Tom Mosley               It doesn’t sound like we are going to have many
Wallace Shurtless       Russ Ash                     there.
                                    LaVar Shurtleff          Please send me any names by return mail.
                                    Jack Hemmingway
                                    Anna Baugaard
                                    Clarence Maxwell
                                    Herbert Biesinger
                                                                        Lovingly, Laura

[Notes on reverse side of letter in handwriting of Jane S. Davidson]
Beth Johanson 2282 E / IN 7-2622
Mable Wittmer, 631 Ramona Ave
Beth Laxman Johansen Auer
2282 E 8200 So. Sandy
Mable Laxman Wittmer
Mollie Jackstien Barlow 2597 Kimbary Way
Mrs La Verl

Biesinger 599 E. 33 So.
Cox IN6-3355

BIN 6-5243                 IN65243

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