Friday, March 14, 2014

money matters

                                                                                                         March 14, 1942

            Received your letter of March 12 and my heart swelled with happiness know that it’s only a matter of days and I’ll hold you in my arms.
            I took that civil service test this morning and have spent the rest of the day shopping.  Here’s what I bought.
            1 gas range at                         $15.00
            1 iron bed at                             $4.50
            1 bed spring at                         $7.50
            1 inner sp. Mattress - recon.  $12.00
            5 piece breakfast set               $9.50
            1 cot and mattress                  $5.00
            connection of range                 $2.00
                                    Terms –cash- !!!

            I looked for hours and the best we could do for the same type of things on terms was $71.50.  Then they needed 1/3 down.  Well I didn't have the $55.50 either.  I had a total of $25.++.  This is what I did.  Paid $20.00 as part-payment and agreed to pay the $35.50 Monday evening.  The things will be delivered Tuesday.
            Where will I get the $35.  Well Monday is pay day.  I’ll get $75 less $10 for the 1st and 2nd (which I didn't work).  Which will be $65.  There will probably also be a deduction for retirement.  Say I have a $6 0.00 check   $60.00
                                                                         35.50 - due on furniture
                                                                           5.00 cash on hand
            Now if I should telegram you $20 say Monday I would have $9.50 less my food to last us from the time you arrived till we get paid again which would be on the 2nd.
            But if you leave Monday you might not get the money at all.  I don’t know what to say.  I guess we could have applied for that money in the teachers retirement.  But it would be too late to help us now.  Maybe Dad or some (if you talked to him) might lone you $25 until the 2nd of the month.  Maybe you will have to visit some high powered loan office.  You might even go to Mr. Maughn and see if there is some way to get it on our school loan.  I’m sure I could get it if I were there.  But I don’t know about you.  (You know the earner must make the application etc.)
            I've even wondered if maybe I wouldn't get a telegram from you asking me to rake it up down here.  Maybe I could but I don’t believe I’ll try unless I get word from you.  Here’s hoping we figure it out some way.  I don’t believe we had better put off your coming as the longer it drags the less of that $40 you’ll have and the worse it will be.  One thing if Reed stays with us (and therefore the cot and mattress) he will probably pay in advance which would give you something to run the house on.  Well anyway Darling, Don’t worry.  We’ll find some way.  The first (the start) is always hardest.  I recd Reed’s letter and will try to meet him.  About meeting you - I work from 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Sundays and Holidays included.  I’ve had today off - but will have to work tomorrow (Sunday) then I have next Saturday and Sunday off.  I would love to meet you too darling and if I know exactly when you arrive I might be able to arrange it, so you had better let me know - via telegram perhaps.  If by terrible chance I can’t make it - You have a taxi take you to 643 Cedar St. (CEDAR ST.)  Our door is the one on the right hand side (going in).  I’ll leave it open unlocked in case.
                                                                        How’s my little boy?  Alvin you sure better recognize your daddy or he is going to cry right out loud.  Please Be Careful Darling and no running in the R.R. station understand? Ha! Ha!  But honestly dearest darling wife Laura it will be heaven to have you with me again.  May God keep you and bring you safely to your Loving Husband Harold

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