[Letter postmarked from Estes Park Mar. 21, 1949, return
address says Box 1041 crossed out and changed to 1323 West Virginia, Denver,
Colorado. Addressed to Mrs. Jane S.
Davidson, c/o
Daniel H. Davidson, 2939 Sepulveda, San Bernardino, Calif.]
20, 1949
Another week gone by and no word of
Mary and her baby. We do hope nothing is
wrong, and that you have all been too busy to write since it was born, because
surely it has been born by now.
Today, the first day of spring is a
cloudy mirky day. Yet we have had some
nice days in spite of the wind. It will
be good to live in the valley again & see the trees & flowers bud, and
watch the grass turn green. The place we
are buying has a lot of tulips. They
were up about an inch a week ago.
Well last Thursday we went to
Denver and made the final arrangements for buying the house. After this coming Friday our address will be
1323 West Virginia
Denver, Colorado
We found out something else that
made us very happy. The new Barnum ward
is under construction just 6 blocks or less from our house. The children will be able to walk to Primary
house Virginia Church

o o
The stake storehouse was completed last June, and Barnum
meeting there until the church is completed, which should be this stake
summer. storehouse
School o Alameda
Ave. o

Alameda is the highway & they
don’t have to go near it.
Harold has spent most of this time
in Denver lately. Yesterday he had to go
down to arrange for an electric line for the range, but he will come home Wed.
about noon, and be here until we move.
The Jacksons were up from Longmont yesterday, and they are still looking
for a place in Denver. They like
...............................the drive back and forth [half sheet missing]
to spell it for her, & I don’t know what I’m
spelling. She has had a bad throat, and
has been coughing for a week. It is too
bad we have to change schools so near the end of the year.
Tell Daniel to drop us a line &
tell us how Mary is we are waiting to hear.

Dear grandmother I want to
Tell you what I am doing
in school I am learning
How to read and write
and sPell. I can read dook
That we have it home
I just wanTed To Tell
you This
are you feeling good
Betty Carlson

Dear grandmother,
I want to tell you some
of the things I learned.
I have learned lots of
new games One is
Red Rover.
I have learned
many new words in
our books. We are
just about through
with our Helth
Are you feeling
Alvin Carlson

20th 49
Dear Laura
I was so glad to get your letter
and hope you are feeling better and that the house that you got will be
satisfactory to you all I am writing
this in a hurry as I am going to bed.
The baby boy was born Mar 14th They are going to name him Daniel Jansen. Mary came home from the hospital Friday. She is feeling fine, has a touch of
rheumatism in her legs but not bad. I
had a touch of it also I guess we were
on the go too much. The children are all
well, the baby is a nice big boy. He
weighed 8 lbs 4 ½ ozs.
I had a letter from Helen, they are having a time of
it. Mont was sick with flue, and David
had his tonsils taken out, as his ears started running again, and the baby is
still colicky The weather here has been
fine. I will have to write to Pearl also I thought Mary or Daniel would write but they
didn’t. Mary didn’t feel like it in the
hospital she wrote to several, Helen & her Mother and a few others. Thanks
for sending your Aunt Jessie McPherson’s letter to me. I will save it for
you. You better answer her letter. Give my love to the children & Harold and
lots of love to your own dear self
Lovingly, Mother.
and do write soon.
I love the letters from Alvin and Betty!