Alvin E. Carlson
Alvin E. Carlson of 770 Springview
Drive, died yesterday afternoon in a local hospital.
Mr. Carlson was born Sept. 16, 1883
in Pleasant Grove, Utah son of Isaac E. and Mary Anderson Carlson.
He was married Oct 2, 1907 to
Hannah Jane Smith in the Salt Lake Temple.
He was a member of the Quorum of Seventy of the Springview Ward. Mr. Carlson had been a plumbing and heating
contractor for 25 years.
Surviving him are his widow: four
sons. Kenneth A., Gordon S. and Robert D. Carlson of Salt Lake and Harold E.
Carlson of San Antonio, Tex.: three daughters. Mrs. Ruth Owen and Mrs Genevieve
Wigginton of Salt Lake and Mrs. Jean Quist of Holladay.: nine grandchildren:
two brothers. Ra Carlson of Albion, Ida., and Hiram Carlson of Charleston,
Utah; and one sister, Mrs. Effie Astin of Pleasant Grove.
Burial will be in the Pleasant
Grove Cemetery.
Postcard postmarked Jun 15 10 AM 1942 Salt Lake City, Utah
addressed to Mrs. H.E. Carlson 643 Cedar St., San Antonio, Texas
Arrived here at 6:30 Bob is taking
me home. I’ll write you a long letter
this evening after the services.
Darling be careful and I’ll be
seeing you. The services are at 3:00
p.m. today.

Box 12 Burns Oregon
June 16th 42.
My Dear Laura,
I received both your letters with the sad
news of Bro. Carlson’s death;. Helen
sent me a card Friday. I received it
yesterday. I am glad Harold was able to
go home and that you are all right there, with good neighbors and friends. I know Harold will feel bad that he couldn’t
see his Dad alive again but that is the way life is mostly. Though at longest it will only be a few years
and we will all pass on after our work on life is done, and meet our loved ones
who have gone on before, so don’t mourn too much. The Lords ways are not our ways and his
wisdom and knowledge are past finding out.
It is a good thing that Bro. Carlson didn’t have to linger in pain at
the hospital as so many have to do. Mother
Carlson will feel it the most. She has
always waited on him and I could see, the last time I was there before I left
to come here that he wasn’t feeling good but was just as cheerie as ever and
joking. She was telling me about what
Sister Van Dam said and I could see that it grieved him very much. I hope Harold will be able to comfort his
mother and that all the boys will rally around her and see to it that she won’t
suffer for the necessities of life. It will be a trying time for her without the
feeling of insecurity. I know the Lord
will Bless her and open up a way for her.
The loss of her husband she will feel all the days of her life, but the
Lord will help to bind up the broken heart and she may live to do much good
with her family and loved ones. Bro.
Carlson is released from all that pain and anxiety and I think he knew that he
would not get better. Harold will give
you all the news when he comes back to you.
I hope that the hot spell has passed and that you are not suffering too
much. I hope Alvin is better and that
his teeth will soon come through. Give him a big hug from Grandma and do take
care of yourself. I am glad that Reed is
with you until Harold gets back. We are
all well here. I am going home next week
about Friday. I will be home Sat. 27th. I will spend our anniversary here. It is also Daniel’s birthday, and Father’s
day. It will be a sad Father’s day for
the Carlson children, but he was a good father to them and they ought to be
thankful for that, and they had him a good many years. Now my dear Laura I won’t write more I have
to write to Jesse. He is having it hot
like you. Love and kisses to you and dear
little Alvin. Lovingly Mother.

16, 1942
Dearest Laura,
received your letter of the 14th this morning. It was lovely and certainly a balm for a
tender and sore heart. Yesterday was
lovely quite cloudy and a little breeze but at any rate very comfortable. The services were the most beautiful that the
heart can imagine. I will not try to describe
them it to you now as I’m sure I could not do it justice. I will tell you all about it when I’m back
with you again which I hope won’t be many days.
I’m going to town today to see the teacher’s retirement office and will
try this evening to see Mr. Maughn after which I’ll know more about increasing
the loan. I’ll try to see Mark and Carry
too but they are both working. Mark
night and day. I won’t forget to visit
the others either but hope I can get it all done in a couple of days as I’m too
lonesome for you and Alvin to stay longer.
I would like to leave for Texas by Thursday. I’ll talk with Helen about the basket. I can’t think of more. I want to have you in my arms when I tell you
the rest. Mother is a brick and I’m sure
with our faith and prayers she will make it ok. All
my love
[Letter from Daniel
Davidson enclosed in envelope addressed to Jane S. Davidson c/. R. S. Davidson]
14, 1942
Dear Mom:
I’ve been so neglectful in writing. I
haven’t been able to be home very many nights.
The work is piling up, and I have to put in some overtime work. I hope you are well. Don’t worry about any of us. We are well and happy. Mary Jane is cutting more teeth. I think her upper teeth will come in a few
will see you in Salt Lake about July 18 to Aug. 18. I may get a day or so, but
so far the boss says “No.” We are so
busy that there is no time to give anyone a vacation. I think if I stick to my job there will be a
better chance for advancement. I don’t
have my new leg yet, but I am going into L.A. sometime this week for a
fitting. I don’t know how long it will
be after the fitting, but it has been 2 weeks since I was measured.
This is
Father’s Day, and I want to tell you how proud I am that my Dad was such a
wonderful man. I hope that I can be
known for good as he is. I know that if
he had been permitted to stay with us that his good work would have grown and
his name would have been more widely known for his goodness and character as
well as his work. He was a wonderful
Father. We are all proud of him and you
too since you have carried on for both and given us all a home to be proud of
and a heritage that excels above any.
and Mary Jane gave me a shirt & tie & tie holder for Father’s Day. It makes me stop and kind of take inventory
to see if I’m living worthy of the title “Father”. I find that I could improve immensely if I am
to become as good a Father as Dad was. I
have no right to permit myself to be less than He and yet it is such a high
goal to attain. I must have the spirit
of our Heavenly Father with me even to do half so well. I pray that I may have the courage to stand
always for those principles and ideals that he stood for. I pray too that I may always abide by the
laws and ordinances of the Gospel. We
all need our Heavenly Father’s assistance in all our undertakings.
We have
heard from Laura & Helen, but haven’t heard from Jesse in a long time. We were glad to hear that Lois and baby are
both well and doing fine. I surely would
like to see the bunch of them. Don’t
worry about Roland working too hard. He
won’t work too hard. Work is good for
the body and soul. He will be far ahead
of everyone else. He must take care of
his body to enable him to keep working at such a pace, but I am sure that he
has the wisdom and understanding to do that.
He is a fine Father, a wonderful brother, an excellent husband and a
lovely son. I hope that I will be able
to follow his example.
Mom, I’ll write the next time to you in Salt Lake. I’ll do my best to get there, but the chances
are slim. Take care of yourself. I hope it isn’t as warm in Salt Lake as it is
here. It cools off at night, but the
days are quite warm and sticky.
May the
Lord bless you
loving Son,
love from Mary and Mary Jane

Dear Mother,
ashamed of myself for neglecting to write all last week, & especially on
your anniversary and Fathers Day, because I fully intended to, but was so
concerned about Harold and everyone at home, and then I was so tired having
Alvin all day every day, I usually went to bed with him.
came back yesterday morning after having been on the bus 3 nights & 3
days. He was pretty tired, & this
morning has taken Alvin with him to get his shoes mended. Other than being tired Harold feels fine about
his trip home, and is so happy he could go.
He said that Mother Carlson is well, and holding up fine. One thing he told me that made me feel good
was that the night before Dad died Harley Wiggington went up & talked with
him for the first time in nearly a year.
heat rash is cleared up completely, but I had to use a heat rash powder, but it
cleared it up in 3 days. That terrible
heat only lasted 3 days but the temperature went up to 112o
It was 105o
in the house. Ordinarily it ranges from
85o to 100o from morning to evening. The fan we bought helps a great deal, and it
wouldn’t feel so hot if you didn’t perspire so much all the time. In the evening there is always a breeze, and
we have got used to bathing every day, & staying in the house between 12
& 4. But at beast, it is hot. And after you have been in Oregon where it is
so cool I’m just wondering if the sudden change in climate would be too good
for you. But on the other hand, we would
like to have you come very much, and we feel that we can have someone come in
& do the work, so you would not have anything to exert yourself with, and
as long as you don’t have to work in this heat, you don’t feel it.
If you
still think you would like to come, we will be able to send some money by July
10, altho because of Harolds trip we will only be able to send enough for one
way, plus $10. For expenses on the way.
We’re just hoping the baby doesn’t come before then. Harold brought the baby basket with him,
& that will save us a little. Mont
& Helen filled it with jam, Alvin’s toys, & Harold’s garments. Also 2 pr of garments for me, & a few
odds & ends I had left. The one pr.
Of cotton garments she sent size 40 must have been yours I guess, but they are
going to be fine.
Carlson sent a batiste night gown for my birthday so that gives me 3 I can wear
and that will be plenty. Everything
seems to be coming along pretty good, altho we have to be careful. We feel if we try to do what is right,
everything will work out for us.
I want
to get this letter off today so you’ll get it before you leave. I just got your letter this morning. It took it nearly a week, & was the first
letter I’d had from anyone since Harold left.
It is good to have him back.
Alvin was afraid of him, and didn’t know him for a while. Today he won’t let Harold out of his sight.
I told
you Reed was going to get married, but 2 days after he gave his girl a ring he
got notice to report for duty in the army today in Salt Lake. However he had his entry transferred here,
& will enter from here this Fri or Sat.
Well, I
want to write to Mother Carlson, & so does Harold. It is nearly 12, & time to get dinner
& fix lunches.
the family in Burns hello and I hope Lois & Lois Ann are getting along fine
by now.
letter this morning surely helped.
Harold & I were both happy to hear from you.

Vale Hotel Oregon
Friday evening
[June 26, postmarked June 27, 1942]
Dear Laura & Harold,
I am on my way home. Roland
had business in Vale so I came with him.
Sat. morning at Caldwell Idaho. I started this letter last night and found
that I had no ink in my pen. I slept at
Vale Hotel and was awakened this morning at 3: a.m. with a fire alarm. The fire
was on the outskirts of town. My bus
left at 4:20 so I just got up and dressed.
I hated to leave Roland. We are
now at Nampa for a few minutes. I don’t
know where I will mail this but I am writing it in hopes that I can finish it
before I get to Salt Lake. I get there
at 9:30 this evening. I don’t mind
riding on the bus. I got your letter
before I left saying that Harold got back all right. I am glad that he was able to go home and I
am sure his Mother needed him. I had a
letter from Helen before I left and she told me she had some Southern people
there from Alabama. They expected
Jennette to be in Salt Lake. They came
to go through the Temple. They are
staying at our place. It seems that
Mont’s job is finished and they want him to go to Ogden. It is always changes. Just arrived at Boise, had a cup of chocolate
and toast, am feeling fine. I have to
wait here an hour so I will mail this from here. I had a letter from Daniel the other day. He says Mary is coming to Salt Lake for month
from July 18th to Aug. 18th. He doesn’t get a vacation only for a day or
so at a time.
I don’t know whether I will see her or not
as I intended to leave for your place about the 15th of July or do
you want me earlier. I thought I would
go to see Jennette for a week or so, but may change my plans when I get
home. How much does it cost on the bus
to San Antonio. Just send me half fare
and I will only need not more than $3.00 for expenses, and I hope not that
much. I will be happy to see you. I was going to write Harold’s Mother, but
could not remember the address, but will see her when I go home.
It rained at Burns the last 2 days. Here at Boise the sun is shining bright and
it is nice and warm. It was cool on the
bus. I am wearing my suit and it is
quite comfortable. I also have my navy
blue coat and had it wrapped around my feet.
What will I wear down there. Now
dear children bye bye and write soon. I will try and borrow some ink to address
the envelope, and will mail this here.
Love and kisses to you and dear little Alvin.
Lovingly Mother.

27, 1942
Dear Harold and Laura.
letter came a day or two ago. It was
greatly appreciated. We are getting
along pretty well. Aunt Nell has left
and Jean has moved so you can never know the lonesomeness although Jean has
been up every day but that can not last for long.
impossible for me to realize that Dad has gone.
His clothes still hangs in the closet and his presents always seems near
but you will never know. I can hardly
Its pay
day today and I really have the blues.
If the boys can always have work is my constant prayer because I am
depending entirely on them.
Then there is Robert.
He got
his certificate yesterday making him a full fledged Ensign signed by Secretary
Knox with the United States Navel Seal on it.
think we have a little pull for goverment help, will tell you later if it
is very proud of this certificate.
I can’t
write more this time. Please forgive me.

9, 1942
Dear Mother,
tired tonight, & it has been a little warmer than usual, but I did want to
get a letter off to you. You’ll get it
Monday and probably will leave by Wed. evening.
The 7:00 P.M. train from the D & RG makes the best connections I
wanted to remind you to call Sister Laxman & get Mabel’s address. You will undoubtedly have a stop over of
several hours in Denver and I believe Mabel is working in the mission ofc. If so you could take a taxi from the station
& rest at the mission home while you are there. If I were you I’d check your bag, & carry
a towel & wash cloth & soap in a small box. A suit case is just a
nuisance, especially when you have a couple of 2 hr stop-overs. You might just have your knitting bag in your
hands, nothing more. You can get all
you’ll need on the trip in it. You’ll be
safe to take your light coat, but my guess is that you won’t need it after you
leave Denver.
I can
hardly wait until you get here. A week
tomorrow you’ll be here if you leave the 15th. Hope you got the check from Wid ok.
night some of the ladies made a special point to invite me to Relief Society,
& when I got there they had a baby shower for me. All the women in the branch turned out. I was so surprised, & to think the people
could be so kind when we’ve been here so short a time. They gave me 3 lovely blankets, 4 dresses, 2
sleeveless shirts & 2 bands, 2 pads & 2 crib sheets (cotton) a rubber
sheet for the basket, some croqued shoes, a knit night gown, towels & wash
cloths, a baby book, 2 pair of silk white ankle sox, and more. I won’t need to buy anything with the
exception of a doz. diapers, the thin ones.
The people down here have hearts of gold. Some that I’d only met came. It was really lovely. I invited Ruth Lundgren to go to the meeting
to get her started to Relief Society, & she was the only one besides myself
that didn’t know about the shower. She
felt as embarrassed as I.
Well, I
could go on & on, but I must get some rest.
bless you Mother, & may you have a pleasant & safe trip down.
P.S. If the large rubber sheet is still about will
you bring it? Could you find out what
station you will arrive at here. There
is the M.K.T. the Missouri Pacific, Southern Pacific, & one other I
believe. It will make it easier for us
to meet you if they can give you that information. Other than that just let us know the day
& the time you leave home, & we can check on when you will arrive.
July 21, 1942

Cedar St.
Dear Dan & Mary,
We received your lovely letters Sat.
morning, and were so happy to hear from you.
It is too bad you were both disappointed on your trip to Salt Lake. It seems like we can’t count on anything
being definite these days. We have to
take each day as it comes, and if things don’t go our way we have to take it
with a smile anyway.
Mother didn’t go to Tabiona as she had
planned. The trucks were all crowded
with people going up for the fourth and Mom just couldn’t find a way up. Jennette I’m sure must have been
disappointed. Mom expected to stay in
Salt Lake until Mary came on Sat. but Mother Carlson felt like she ought to
come down here as soon as she could so she left Salt Lake Tues evening, and got
here Friday morn on my birthday. It was
one of the nicest birthday gifts I’ve ever had.
She came all that long way on the Bus.
She said the trains frighten her, and she was very tired when she
arrived. I believe she still is
tired. We were up at 7:A.M. this
morning, & by 10 she laid down on the couch, & went to sleep. It is 11:30 now and she is still there. It will take her a little while to get used
to the climate. I hope she can have a
good rest before the baby comes, and then I’ll have someone in to help her then
too. I’m going to a Catholic hosp. It seems to be the best one here too.
When Mother heard you weren’t coming to
Salt Lake Mary, she was glad she left when she did. I believe the trip was quite hard on her,
altho she said it wasn’t bad. She just
bought a one way ticket here, and when she leaves she will buy her ticket from
here to Salt Lake via San Bernardino.
And if you feel like you can pay a portion of it all well & good.
It sounds like you are really having it
hot there. At least your nights are
cool. The temp. here lately has ranged
between 80o & 95o.
It is about 95o when we go to bed, & by morning it will
usually get back down to 80o & then start climbing again. Mom says she doesn’t feel the heat here
anymore than at home except that she can’t get used to the perspiration running
down her face all the time. She will sit
& sew & the water will run down & cover her glasses. Her hair is always wet, & she has had to
keep it braided to keep it any where near dry.
She had a wool jacket started for me, but the heat won’t permit her to
work on it.
Alvin runs around in a sun suit, & is
brown as his hair which is still a golden brown. You can hardly tell where his hair begins it
is so near the color of his skin. We had
quite a scare with him just about a month ago.
He was playing with a dog, & the dog turned on him & bit him in
the eye, & on the head. We still
can’t understand how his eye escaped injury, because the dog bit down inside
the lower lid. The Dr. had to take a
stitch in his head, & it is just now healing. There is still a bit of the scab that hasn’t
come off. People here are so afraid of
dog bites because of rabbies. We had to
report it to the board of health, & they came out & examined the dog
twice within 10 days (the danger period) & made the people keep the dog
tied up for the 10 days. If the dog had
taken sick within 10 days Alvin would have had to take shots for rabbies, one
every day for 14 days in the pit of the stomach. We were so thankful he didn’t have too. Besides being painful they are quite
Mother is awake & I’ll leave to fix
dinner. She insists I finish. She got your letter ok. Helen sent it & it came the same day we
got yours. She intended writing to you
this morning, & I was just going to write a short note to put in with hers,
but she says now she will write in aa few days.
Mary Jane will be a year old in a few
days, and I’ll bet she is cute. You will
have to send a picture of her. Just wait
until she starts walking then climbing.
Last night we put Alvin to bed then went out on the porch for about an
hour. When we came in I walked thru the
house without turning on lights until I got to the kitchen & looked in to
see if Alvin was ok. He wasn’t in his
bed, & I looked all over for him. We
found him asleep on the floor in the doorway from the hall into the
bathroom. He climbs in & out of bed
when he pleases.
Well Dan & Mary. I’ll stop now, but will write again
soon. We’ll expect to hear from you soon
With Love,
[Laura’s note: Mother
came to San Antonio for the Birth of Betty, then continued on to San Bernardino
to visit my brother Daniel and Mary.]
Antonio, Tex
4th 42.
Dear Daniel & Mary
guess you are wondering what has happened to me. I know I ought to have written to you when I
cam here but with Laura writing I thought I would wait till the baby came but
the baby hasn’t come yet and it is a week over due and I am getting tired of
putting off writing to you. I hope you
are all fine how is little Mary Jane standing the heat. I hope she is well. Dosn’t she have a birthday soon. and I think
one of Willards children has a birthday also but I don’t know when. You will all have to send me a Genealogical
sheet with all your dates on it. I can’t
remember and I don’t want to forget Birthdays not that I can buy presents but I
do want to wish the children a happy Birthday So I wish Mary Jane a happy birthday
when it comes. We are all fine here. Laura is fine we are all patiently waiting
for the baby. I don’t hear much from
home. The last letter I had was from
Pearl. They are well. Mont & Helen had been out that Sunday for
dinner. They had taken Thora Walker out
with them. She was in Salt Lake for the
week end. She is working in Carlin
Nevada her home town. Jennette was well
when I heard. So was Roland & Lois
and children. They have two missionaries
at Burns with them now. So Roland will
have some help. I hope that both of you
will write to Jesse as often as you can.
He expects to be moved by the 10th of Aug. but doesn’t know
where they will send him. It has been
sweltering hot is Sikeston [Missouri] and he feels it very much. It has been pretty hot here but not much
warmer than at home. If only I didn’t
sweat so much I really could stand it but I sweat so much my face aches. My body isn’t so bad, just my face and
hair. This is a lovely clean place and I
like it very much. I will write after
the baby comes and let you (sweat drops) know how things are. You will have to excuse the sweat drops and I
won’t write more now. Some time when I
am in town I may get Mary Jane something for her birthday. I have only been in town with Laura to get
some things from the drug store and it was so hot we came right home. Now my dear Children write to me often
whither I write to you or not. I always
look for a letter and one really gets lonesome for a letter here. I have gone to church twice since I
came. The people at church are very
nice. They have been kind to Laura and
gave her a shower and she lot a nice lot of baby things. All except diapers and we bought a doz since
I came. Now I think I have given you all
the news and that you will write to me soon and tell me all that you are doing. Have you any fruit there we have no fruit
here or nice vegetables. I guess it is
between seasons. I would like a nice
feed of Peaches. Bye bye & write
soon. Lots of Love from Mother to Daniel
Mary & Mary Jane. write soon.

Dear Dan & Mary, and
Happy birthday Mary Jane.
It is a shame Betty
couldn’t wait another day to come when she was already so late. But the little dickens was here in 10 min
less than 2 hrs once she decided to come.
A little too fast for comfort. It
happened tho that the Dr. was in the hosp., & just stayed right here. She weighted 9 lbs 7 oz. & looks like a
little butter ball. Has very dark hair,
& lots of it. Altho it seems very
fine. Her eyes are very dark blue. All the nurses say she looks like she is half
grown. I feel simply wonderful &
have almost decided to have 14 yet. I
don’t even feel like I’ve had a baby compared to last time. Harold didn’t have time to worry & fret,
& Mother is glad Betty is here. - More later. Hope to hear from you soon. Love Laura

Antonio, Texas.
9th 42.
Did I write to tell you
about the Hurricane that we had here. It
was awful, a week ago last Sunday. I
will tell you about it when I come.
Dear Daniel,
thought I would have answered your letter by this time, but the time just flies
past, and it seems as if after the little work is done there is not much energy
left. Anyway we are all well, Harold is
better of his cold and Laura & Baby are fine. Alvin has a slight cold but I guess he will
be all right soon. Did Mary and Baby go
to Salt Lake. I hope she will have a
nice visit with her Mother and friends.
I guess I will leave here the end of this month or the first week in
Oct, and will stay with you 2 weeks and be home by the end of Oct. That is what I am planning. It will cost me about _0 more to come round
by San Bernardino but I do want to see you.
Jennette wants me to come and stay with her in Tabiona this winter. Burnell has to can go herd sheep and
make good wages and she thinks if I came up there with her they would live in
Uncle Ben’s house down in town and be near the church & store, and have
light & good water, what do you think.
Have you heard from Jesse. He has
been transferred to address = 1416 Blytheville Ark. He has had a touch of Malaria but is feeling
better. He was in bed several days in
the hot weather and it wasn’t fun. Tomorrow
is Helen’s & Lorna Jane’s Birthday.
I wrote to Helen, it is hard for me to remember the grand childrens birthdays. I will soon have to look on the calander
every day and have the days marked but I don’t have a record of their
birthdays. I will have to do better than
I am doing. I had a letter from Aunt
Maggie from Scotland. They are all
pretty well, but feeling the brunt of the war after 4 yrs of it. Lizzie’s husband is still away somewhere, but
was getting home on leave. I have not
heard nor written to Aunt Jesse for a long time. I hope you will write to Jesse &
Jennette. Jennette feels kind of
lonesome as she can’t get down and no one comes up. They are all busy putting up fruit and
vegetables. How is the weather there
now. We still have it hot, it has been
raining for several nights and it gets hot again in the day time the rain does
not cool it off much. We had a letter
from Bishop and Sister DeYoung last week.
The Bishop has been feeling the heat this summer, and he has to be
careful of what he does. I was happy to
hear of one of your Sunday School Class joining the Church. We all have a great deal of work to do in
this church. It is a pity that the world
ignores the truth as they do surely we as Latter day saints have lots to be
thankful for. The Lord has surely blessed
us to be able to bear our testimony that we are even a humble member in this
church, and it is too bad that some of our members does not realize their
blessings. Now dear Daniel it is time to
be getting dinner and I want Harold to mail this. He works from 3 P.M. to 11 so he leaves for
work right after dinner. Hope you &
Mary & Mary Jane are feeling fine, and that I will be seeing you soon if I
can get enough money to come. Don’t go
worrying about money, if we all keep well we are surely blessed and the Lord
will open up the way for us all if we are faithful with lots of Love from
(Do you hear from
Roland. Write to him if you can. )

Antonio, Texas
13, 1942
Dear Dan,
heard that Mary was in Salt Lake, and would be until this coming Fri. I’ll bet you miss her and the baby. We are all so homesick for Salt Lake we don’t
know what to do. At the present time we
are just enduring the heat. September so far has been worse than the rest of
the summer. We are all covered with heat
rash except Harold & the baby. I
don’t know how they escape. Mother’s
& Alvin’s arms look almost raw with it.
We are just hoping for a let-up in the weather. You probably heard of the hurricane we had
Aug 30, that caused over a million-dollars worth of damage here, and nearly
scared us all to death, well since then the air has just seemed charged with
heat. We will just have to pray for cool
has been quite hot, cranky with the heat, and he is still cutting teeth,
& on top of that has a cough. We
have to be so patient with him it is pitiful.
Dan, as Mother wrote and told you she has kinda’ been planning to leave here
the first week in October, but – If it is still as hot as it is now she won’t
go till it gets cooler. And then – we
have really had some expenses since we came, and I’m sure we will not have
enough put by at that time for her full fair.
From here to S.L. by way of S.B. is near $40.00. 38 something I believe. Now, if you could send some money to us to
help out a little, it would be so much cheaper to buy the complete ticket
here. We want Mom to stay with us as
long as she will, and we would like to have her stay and enjoy some cool
weather. So if you can’t send any money
by Oct. 1, we would be glad to have her stay here longer. Anyway write & tell us if this interupts
any plans of yours, and we will cooperate with you.
is working again tonight, and this afternoon.
Mom & I took the kids & went visiting. Guess who –.
Harvey Felt & his wife. They
are here for 2 or 3 months installing telephones. Ruth Linnaback & her husband are also
here for a couple of months. I haven’t
seen Ruth yet, but Mother & Harold saw her this morning in Sun.
School. There is really a swarm of Salt
Lakers coming in.
Dan this is about all I feel up to writing tonight, except that we are all
well, and we have the best baby ever.
She is so good we sometimes forget we’ve got her. Write to us real soon, & let us know what
you can do, and if you have any plans, & what they are regarding Mom coming.
Love - Laura
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